Det här tillägget har inte testats med någon av de 3 senaste huvudversionerna av WordPress. Det kanske inte längre underhålls och kan ha kompatibilitetsproblem när det används tillsammans med nyare versioner av WordPress.

ACF Page Builder Field


This plugin will add a page builder field type in Advanced custom fields.
The field works just like any other ACF field type and you can use it however you want. get_field() returns the generated HTML and the CSS is outputed in the footer. We are using it together with ACFs flexible content layouts where you want to build more advanced layouts inside the ACF sections. This makes the content in ACFs flexible content truly flexible!

Building a great CMS-experience for editors, designers and developers is really hard. They all have very different requirements and ideas about that a great CMS consists of and how it should work. How do you give the editors the tools they need to edit all the content, the designer the freedom they want about how things should look, and empower the developer with tools to provide this easily and efficently?
We think we have found a sweet spot when ut comes to the balance between freedom for for editors and designers and ease for developers to implement and maintain a beatifull site.

The editor

The editor can easily edit all the content and maintain a good look and feel of the website. The editor has the right amunt of freedom to be able to express themselfts, but enough structure to prevent them from going wild and ruin the page layout and design.


Designern kan vara kreativ och har friheten att uttrycka sig själv utan att försvåra utvecklarens jobb.


Utvecklaren har möjlighet att enkelt skapa block/moduler som passar ihop.


  • Advanced Custom Fields 5+ (ACF 4 is not supported)
  • Page Builder by SiteOrigin 2.5 or newer
  • PHP 5.3+


We recommend using this plugin together with ACF Flexible Content for building beautiful landing pages.
This is an example of a template using ACF Flexible Content:

if( have_rows('flexible_content_field_name') ) :

    while ( have_rows('flexible_content_field_name') ) : the_row();

        switch( get_row_layout() ) {

            case 'page_builder_layout':

                if( get_sub_field( 'page_builder_field' ) ) {
                    echo get_sub_field( 'page_builder_field' );

            case 'other_layout':





For more information, read about flexible content on

Vi rekommenderar att du har senaste versionen av WordPress, Advanved Custom Fields och Page Builder av SiteOrigin för att få bästa kompabiliteten.

Known issues and limitations

  • Use of ACF Page Builder field in widget areas. We aim to fix this in a comming release.
  • Does not work on ACF Option pages. We aim to fix this in a comming release.
  • Some issues with Page Builder content in the_content()(normal post content) if an ACF Page Builder field is rendered before the_content(). This is due to the way the page builder works and we can’t fix this in a good way. We recommend using ACF Page Builder fields instead and removing the normal post content completely on ACF-pages in WP-Admin as a workaround.


  • This shows the field in WP-Admin. The page builder button opens up a Page Builder, just like the normal one from Site Origin.


  1. Copy the acf-page-builder-field folder into your wp-content/plugins folder.
  2. Activate the ACF Page Builder Field plugin via the plugins admin page.
  3. Skapa nya fält med ACF och välj Page Builder-fältet.
  4. Display the field in your theme’s templates with get_field() or get_sub_field() as usual.
  5. Njut av din förbättrade CMS-upplevelse!

Vanliga frågor

Installation Instructions
  1. Copy the acf-page-builder-field folder into your wp-content/plugins folder.
  2. Activate the ACF Page Builder Field plugin via the plugins admin page.
  3. Skapa nya fält med ACF och välj Page Builder-fältet.
  4. Display the field in your theme’s templates with get_field() or get_sub_field() as usual.
  5. Njut av din förbättrade CMS-upplevelse!


14 september 2018
Used it to quickly add the flexible set of WP widgets to the page edit admin screen within minutes. ACF Page Builder Field works like a charm. The great interface between ACF and Page Builer without excessive Page Builder UI but with all its power avaiuilable and controlled by ACF. Thank you a lot, guys:)
5 oktober 2017
I tried testing this and would have been ok ok if not for the fact that the very feature I need is wonky. Google Maps is not saving the custom style, and cannot deactivate zoom scroll and dragging action. Had to revert back to hard coding the Google Maps JS API.
2 augusti 2017
Working great so far…..please keep up and good work and future updates.
27 oktober 2016
Appends an id to all page builder elements on a post/page, including those not generated with the support of this plugin. Causes Page Builder styling to be blown away, as the plugin styles on a per id basis, and anyhow this plugin shouldn’t have a hand in anything that it isn’t supposed to be directly associated with.
Läs alla 7 betyg

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  • Fix for custom ID
  • Fix for custom cell classes.
  • Fix for full width rows
  • Fix for row customizations without custom row class…


  • Fix PHP warning
  • Fix missing widget customizations


  • Fix for Page Builder 2.5


  • First stable release.


  • Support for version 2.4.9 of the Page Builder by Siteorigin plugin.


  • Initial Beta Release.