Admin Email Address Changer


After installing the plugin, the admin mail functionality will be restored to the way it was before version 4.9.

It may be required for sites without email access, or for testing purposes, i.e. using localhost, or if a new admin isn’t receiving an e-mail at his new address (the new admin email address cannot be active before it is confirmed).


Once activated, you can change the admin email by going to your site’s Dashboard -> ”Settings” -> ”Admin Email”.


  • Quick WordPress Admin Email Change Without any confirmation


Very easy, you can install it directly from repository or from admin dashboard.

Or manually:

  1. upload ’admin-email-address-changer.php’ to the ’/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin from the ’Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Vanliga frågor

Can you change admin email without need to confirm the new admin email address?

Yes, you can


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Bidragande personer

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  • WP 6.0 compatibility


  • Init version