Automatically add posts from another WordPress website using a shortcode.
Add the shortcode [blogcrosspost url=""]
to desired post/page/widget and save to have the code working.
One can add some customization to the shortcode such as”:
- Link to external website =
[blogcrosspost url=""]
- Number of Posts to show =
[blogcrosspost number="3"]
- Name for the Readme link =
[blogcrosspost readmoretext="Learn More"]
- Image Size to Display =
[blogcrosspost image_size="medium"]
. Options can be medium, large, thumbnail, full or any custom size. Default is full.
or use all of them in one go as:
`[blogcrosspost url="" number="3" readmoretext="Learn More" image_size="medium"]```
You can also change the HTML structure using apply_filters( 'blogcrosspost_link', $html, $atts );
Upcoming features
- [ ] Add a Gutenberg Block.
If you have any feedback, just write an issue. Or fork the code and submit a PR on Github.
Bidragsgivare och utvecklare
”Blog Crosspost” är programvara med öppen källkod. Följande personer har bidragit till detta tillägg.
Bidragande personer”Blog Crosspost” har översatts till 2 språk. Tack till översättarna för deras bidrag.
Översätt ”Blog Crosspost” till ditt språk.
Intresserad av programutveckling?
Läs programkoden, kika på SVN-filförvaret eller prenumerera på utvecklarloggen via RSS.
- Tested to WP 6.6.1.
- Fix image display using images from the rest API.
- Add an attribute for the image size to shortcode.
- Fix version issue.
** 0.2.0 **
– Fix Versioning issue.
** 0.2.0 **
– Bugfix for broken Image URL and Author Display Name.
– Added filters for all responses.
– Added class options.
– Bugfix for counter in loop display.
** 1.0.0 **
– Initial Release.