Browser Address Bar Color


Paint the top address bar of a selected page, you can choose different color for every page.

  • Not supported yet in desktop browsers,
    Works on Chrome and Samsung Internet mobile browsers



  • the result
  • the settings page
  • the new menu item


  1. From your WordPress Dashboard go to ’Plugins’ > ’Add new’ and search for ’Browser Address Bar Color’.
  2. Click ’Install Now’ under the title of the Call Now Button plugin
  3. Click ’activate’
  4. In the wordpress menu click the ’Appearance’ and you will see the new ”Address bar color” settings page, there you can activate and manage the pages and the colors.


  1. Click download in this page and download the ”” file
  2. From your WordPress Dashboard go to ’Plugins’ > ’Upload plugin’ and select the ”” file
  3. Click ’install’
  4. Click ’activate’
  5. Activate the plugin through the ’Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  6. In the wordpress menu click the ’Appearance’ and you will see the new ”Address bar color” settings page, there you can activate and manage the pages and the colors.

Vanliga frågor

What’s your plugin’s specialty?

You can choose different color for each page of your site or even every post, not only one for all

Why it doesn’t work on desktop browsers?

For now this Html feature (theme-color tag) supported by mobile browsers only


27 juli 2022
good better to have option to paste hex code tnx
Läs alla 2 betyg

Bidragsgivare och utvecklare

”Browser Address Bar Color” är programvara med öppen källkod. Följande personer har bidragit till detta tillägg.

Bidragande personer



  • First upload


  • Option to color single post, bug fixed


  • Search pages in the list


  • PHP 8 compatibility


  • tested up to wordpress 6.3, bug fixed