Det här tillägget har inte testats med någon av de 3 senaste huvudversionerna av WordPress. Det kanske inte längre underhålls och kan ha kompatibilitetsproblem när det används tillsammans med nyare versioner av WordPress.

Disable Block Editor


This plugin automatically disables default block editor for all post types and all users, without any settings or options. It is very lightweight, just activate it and it works immediately.

And it’s on GitHub.

Vanliga frågor

How is this plugin different from Classic Editor plugin?

By default, Classic Editor allows individual users to select whether they want to use block editor or classic editor on their profile edit screens. This feature must be disabled on Settings > Writing screen.

Additionally, Classic Editor stores post meta data in the database about type of editor that post has used.

On the other hand, Disable Block Editor disables block editor for everyone and everywhere, without any options or settings to configure, and without storing any data into the database.

How is this plugin different from Disable Gutenberg plugin?

Disable Gutenberg allows much finer control on where to and for whom to show block editor, and that is achieved by configuring settings. Basically, same differences as with Classic Editor.


24 februari 2019
Thank you! Normally I am mostly not really a conservative person, but I use Enfold template (which already include block editor – Avia Layout Builder)on several my webs and the new WP block system fucked up every site I have Enfold installed on. Installed this plugin and everything went back to normal. THANK YOU!! Hope it’ll work for some time :P. And also hope that either WP or Enfold guys sort this out somehow….
27 januari 2019
”Please provide as much detail as you can to justify your rating and to help others.” Well when it comes to getting rid of that Block Edit Disaster I guess everything that saves our little behinds deserves 6 Stars … at least!
22 december 2018
Not really, but THANK YOU for creating this. I normally love WordPress’ new features with each release. But, the Gutenberg block editor thing is a steaming pile of fail. I’m already using a Visual Composer and after the latest WordPress update, that functionality was boned. I was shaking like a leaf because I have several client sites that have been affected. Your plugin corrected the problem and I sincerely cannot thank you enough!
13 december 2018
I use Site Origin Page Builder which wasn’t editable once I upgraded to 5. This plugin made the page editable again. But then I updated Page Builder and it now works with 5. But glad this plugin exists, thanks!
8 december 2018
I was shocked that there wasn’t a link or button or tab that would let me edit my pages and posts in the classic interface that I’m use to. While there might be good features and attributes to the block editor, I’m not the most fond of that change. At least give me the option of choosing which editor I want to use. This plugin works great. Install and activate and you’re good to go. WP is back to its original editors. Deactivate it to play around with the new block editor.
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