Duplicate Pages, Posts and CPT


This Plugin lets you duplicate posts, pages and every other custom post type. Lightning fast and with only one click. The clone will contain all your content and every setting. It will be duplicated as a draft.
There are two ways to duplicate:

  • Go to the dashboard and hover over the post you want to duplicate and click „duplicate”
  • When editing a post or viewing it in the frontend click „duplicate” in the admin bar

Cloning works for posts created with Gutenberg or the classic editor as well as with page builders. All the content, the categories, tags, featured image and every setting will be duplicated to a new post that is saved as a draft.
The plugin does not have any settings, it works right out of the box.

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27 januari 2024
Per suggestions in support forums, I tried 2 other plug-ins with dismal results. Then, a third suggestion in the forums and I installed Duplicate Pages, Posts and CPT. It worked so perfectly and easily I couldn’t believe it. I want to add that I was duplicating events from the Calendar Events Free plugin and I had no problems at all. Thank you for making a superior product!
17 augusti 2023
<!– wp:paragraph –> <p class=””>Dieses Plugin ist so grossartig & hilfreich. Läuft problemfrei – auch Updates des Themes oder WP übersteht es gut. Nicht nur Seiten, auch Veranstaltungen kann ich dublizieren und freue mich so oft darüber. Danke, Jonas! </p> <!– /wp:paragraph –>
17 mars 2021
… was will man mehr? Mein altes Plugin ist schon mal mit den Url’s durcheinander gekommen und wusste hinterher selbst nicht mehr, was Original und was Kopie ist. Das hier funktioniert ohne Nachdenken.
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  • Update to PHP 7.0
  • Ensure support for recent WP versions


  • Duplication now works as well for Beaver Builder and others (fix error in duplication of certain meta data)
  • Removed erroneous addition of custom fields to metadata


  • Fix error on non-existing custom meta fields
  • Do not show Duplicate button in Admin Bar for non-duplicable pages.