License Manager för WooCommerce


License Manager för WooCommerce låter dig enkelt sälja och hantera alla dina digitala licensnycklar. Med funktioner som import av fil med befintliga licenser, automatisk lagerhantering och databaskryptering kommer din butik nu att fungera enklare än någonsin.

Tillägg & API-dokumentation


  • Display the license keys section inside WooCommerce ‘s My Account Page
  • Allow users to activate/deactivate their license keys
  • Allow users to download license certificates
  • Admins can add a company logo on a license certificate
  • Admins can do a one-click migration of the License Key from the Digital License Manager
  • Admin can generate licenses for all past orders
  • Sälj och leverera licensnycklar automatiskt via WooCommerce.
  • Hantera automatiskt lagret av licenserade produkter.
  • Aktivera, inaktivera och kontrollera licenser via REST API.
  • Skicka kopior av användares licensnycklar manuellt.
  • Lägg till och importera licensnycklar och tilldela dem till produkter i WooCommerce.
  • All licenses are encrypted to prevent unauthorized use.
  • Administrators can activate or deactivate user accounts.
  • Allows users to add duplicate license keys into the database.
  • The order status tab provides license key delivery settings.
  • Importera licensnycklar via filuppladdning.
  • Exportera licensnycklar som PDF eller CSV.
  • Hantera statusen för dina licensnycklar.
  • Skapa licensnyckelgeneratorer med anpassade parametrar.
  • Tilldela en generator till en (eller flera) produkter i WooCommerce. Dessa produkter skapar sedan automatiskt en licensnyckel när de säljs

License Manager for WooCommerce Pro

License Manager for WooCommerce Pro allows you to enhance the capabilities for your eCommerce website with features like:

  • Download Expires – Download expired products and generates new license keys.
  • Product Download Detail – Enters a change log and product version from the settings.
  • Validate Customer Licenses – Validate customer licenses using their ID.
  • Ping Request – Create a ping request to check the client-server connection.
  • New License Key Upon Subscription renewal – Issue a new license key upon each subscription renewal.
  • Extend License Key Upon Subscription – Extend the existing license key with each subscription renewal.

View License Manager for WooCommerce Pro pricing plans.


The plugin also offers additional endpoints for manipulating licenses and generator resources. These routes are authorized via API keys (generated through the plugin settings) and accessed via the WordPress API. An extensive API documentation is also available.

Behöver du hjälp?

If you have any feature requests, need more hooks, or maybe have even found a bug, please let us know in the support forum or e-mail us at We look forward to hearing from you!

You can also check out the documentation pages, as they contain the most essential information on what the plugin can do for you.


Tillägget skapar två filer i mappen wp-content/uploads/lmfwc-files. Dessa filer (defuse.txt och secret.txt) innehåller kryptografiska hemligheter som genereras automatiskt om de inte finns. Dessa kryptografiska hemligheter används för att kryptera, dekryptera och hasha dina licensnycklar. När de har genererats bör du säkerhetskopiera dem någonstans säkert. Om du tappar dessa två filer kommer dina krypterade licensnycklar i databasen att förloras för alltid!

If you would like to contribute to any of these libraries in these languages (Node.js, Python, PHP, Ruby, .NET, C, C#, C++, and Golang), please visit our library page for more details.


Few features like user license display on account page and license certification are fork from Digital License Manager plugin by Darko Gjorgjijoski and we have changed the code according to our need.


  • Vad som är nytt
  • Översiktssida för licensnycklar.
  • Lägg till en enda licensnyckel
  • Lägg till flera licensnycklar i bulk.
  • WooCommerce enkla produktalternativ.
  • WooCommerce variabla produktalternativ.
  • Generators översiktssida.
  • Skapa en ny licensgenerator.


Manuell installation

  1. Ladda upp tilläggets filer till mappen /wp-content/plugins/license-manager-for-woocommerce, eller installera tillägget via WordPress-sidan Tillägg i kontrollpanelen.
  2. Aktivera tillägget via sidan Tillägg i kontrollpanelen i WordPress.
  3. Använd sidan Licenshanterare Inställningar för att konfigurera tillägget.

Installation genom WordPress

  1. Öppna din kontrollpanel i WordPress och navigera till sidan Tillägg.
  2. Klicka på Lägg till nytt
  3. I sökfältet skriver du ”License Manager for WooCommerce”
  4. Välj detta tillägg och klicka på Installera nu


Tillägget skapar två filer i mappen wp-content/uploads/lmfwc-files. Dessa filer (defuse.txt och secret.txt) innehåller kryptografiska hemligheter som genereras automatiskt om de inte finns. Dessa kryptografiska hemligheter används för att kryptera, dekryptera och hasha dina licensnycklar. När de har genererats bör du säkerhetskopiera dem någonstans säkert. Om du tappar dessa två filer kommer dina krypterade licensnycklar i databasen att förloras för alltid!

Vanliga frågor

Finns det en dokumentation?

Ja, det finns det! En omfattande dokumentation som beskriver tilläggets funktioner och funktionalitet i detalj kan hittas på tilläggets startsida .

API-dokumentationen då?

Again, yes! Here you can find the API Documentation detailing all the new endpoint requests and responses. Have fun!

Fungerar tillägget med variabla produkter?

Ja, tillägget kan tilldela licenser eller licensgeneratorer för enskilda produktvariationer.

Kan jag sälja mina egna licensnycklar med detta tillägg?

Ja, tillägget låter dig importera en befintlig lista med licensnycklar via uppladdning (CSV eller TXT).

Kan jag använda detta tillägg för att tillhandahålla ett eget licenssystem för min egen mjukvara?

Naturligtvis kommer tillägget med REST API som tillåter dig att aktivera, inaktivera och validera licensnycklar.

Does this License Management plugin work with subscription products?

Yes, our license manager plugin supports subscription products and is compatible with the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.


20 augusti 2024
Essential plugin for my website. Whenever I needed support, the team helped me.
18 juni 2024
Was it so difficult to add a field in the api responses: valid_license? true, false.
1 juni 2024 1 svar
The plugin owner should be ashamed of themselves. They are stealing and copying over features from other plugins, selling them within their overpriced pro version. When installing the plugin and the pro version, you’re facing a lot of PHP issues and errors. I can not understand why so many people are still using this plugin. There are better solutions out there.
18 maj 2024
I have problems with version 3.0.6, but I managed to overcome them. By investigating plugin files I found where the bug lies and have sent my suggestions to plugin developers in hope they will incorporate it in the next version. Honestly I´m dissapointed today, because in 3.0.7 version the bug still persists, obviously my suggestions were not implemented. Pity, I had to install previous version with my modifications, luckily I have backed it up before update.Other than that the plugin is working as it should, sending keys after order is completed, generate keys, etc.
14 maj 2024 1 svar
It is hard to choose the reason for this 5-star rating because not only the software does what is expected and more, but the developer has demonstrated being astounding in both support and development (the product has been coded in an excellent way).Hard to find a gem such as this
19 april 2024 1 svar
We’ve been using the free version for our subscription-based website for more than a year with no issues at all. Then upgraded to a premium license to avoid generation of new licenses on subscription renewals. Using the premium plugin, licenses were no longer emailed to our clients. I did everything to narrow it down, and it was clear that the problem was the premium plugin – since reactivating the free version solved the issue.I contacted the support and documented everything. Three months later, their support is still completely incapable of solving this. At one point, they accepted that it was an error in the plugin. Sent me ”an updated version” – that suspiciously had the same version as the existing plugin (1.1). I installed it and was anything but surprised to see that it still didn’t work. The last drop was the claim that it was another plugin that caused the issue. I will be applying for a full refund. Which I will probably never see. Stay away from this plugin. They are absolutely daft and uncapable to solve anything.
Läs alla 138 betyg

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