Det här tillägget har inte testats med någon av de 3 senaste huvudversionerna av WordPress. Det kanske inte längre underhålls och kan ha kompatibilitetsproblem när det används tillsammans med nyare versioner av WordPress.

MyQtip – easy qTip2


MyQtip for WordPress is a plugin that uses qTip2 to display nice looking, user friendly tooltips. You can choose from 12 color style. Position easily changeable. For use – paste shortcode [myqtip title=’my text tips’ ] any content [/myqtip] or add .myqtip class for link or other tag. Text tips is taken from the title attribute

Online Demo :

The plugin was created in 2013 year

MyQtip this is plugin for WordPress, based qTip2 jQuery plugin


  • screenshot-1
  • screenshot-2
  • screenshot-3


  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ’MyQtip’ menu in WordPress
  3. And you can config if in the ’MyQtip Settings’ page.

  4. Click the button to save.

  5. For use – paste shortcode [myqtip title=’my text tips’ ] any content [/myqtip] or add .myqtip class for link or other tag. Text tips is taken from the title attribute

Online Demo :

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  • First version


  • update description


  • update qtip2 js to latest ver v3.0.3


  • security bug fix