PayPing Donation


با استفاده از این افزونه میتوانید حمایت مالی از کاربران دریافت کنید.

Third-Party Services

This plugin leverages the following third-party services:

  1. To enhance the functionality of our plugin, we have incorporated PayPing OAuth, which enables the retrieval of user profiles from PayPing. This integration allows users who wish to donate using our plugin to connect their PayPing accounts securely and seamlessly.
  2. The WP PayPing Donation plugin integrates with the PayPing Donation Service to provide a seamless and convenient way for users to accept donations on their WordPress websites. To enable this feature, the plugin utilizes the donate.min.js script from the PayPing CDN.

Privacy Policy

This plugin follows strict privacy guidelines. When using the service, user data is securely transmitted and stored following industry best practices.


  1. پوشه \’PayPing Donation\’ را در مسیر \’/wp-content/plugins/\’ آپلود کنید
  2. افزونه را از طریق منوی \’افزونه ها\’ در وردپرس فعال کنید


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  • دریافت حمایت مالی کاربران


  • سازگاری با نسخه 3 پرداخت پی پینگ
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