We started the Podlove Podcast Publisher project in 2012 because existing solutions were stuck in the past, complex and unwieldy. The Publisher helps you save time, worry less and provides a cutting edge listening experience for your audience.
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Videohandledning: Börja med Podlove Publisher
Compatible RSS Feeds
Podlove Publisher gör det enkelt att skapa uttrycksfulla, effektiva, och superkompatibla podcastflöden med finkornig kontroll över klientens beteende (t.ex GUID-kontroll för att ersätta trasiga avsnitt och för klienter att ladda om) med stöd för all viktig metadata.
Podlove Publisher gör även flerformatspublicering – vilket omfamnar alla moderna och forna ljud- och videokodekar – enkelt. Genom att använda enkla filnamnsstrukturer kan tillägget ge podcastare individuella flöden för olika användningsområden eller olika målgrupper utan att lägga till arbete för podcastaren under publiceringsprocessen.
Optimerad webbspelare
The Publisher also comes integrated with the Podlove Web Player plugin and fully supports its advanced options including multiple audio (MP4 AAC, MP3, Vorbis, Opus) and video (MP4 H.264, WebM, Theora) format support for web browsers. This Web Player is fully HTML5 compatible and is ready for all touch based clients too.
Metadata Galore
- Chapter Marks: The Publisher also makes it easy to publish chapter information in the player to make access to structured episodes even easier. Full support for linking directly to any part of your podcast on the web with instant playback included.
- Contributors: Bring your team and guests front and center. Manage contributors, including their names, avatars and web urls.
- Transcripts: WebVTT transcripts can be imported and even connected to your contributors. They are referenced in the RSS feed so they can be displayed by podcast apps.
- Seasons: Does your podcast have seasons? We got you covered with a dedicated ”Seasons” module.
- Related Episodes: Manage and display related episodes on your website.
Auphonic Integration
Auphonic is your all-in-one audio post production webtool to achieve a professional quality result. We provide a first class integration module for ease of use and best automation experience.
Flexibla mallar
För att sammanfatta, ett flexibelt mall-system ger dig möjligheten att publicera podcasts i en definierad stil och sedan ändra stilen när du vill utan att behöva ändra individuella inlägg.
Och detta är bara början. Vi har en rik färdplan som kommer ge ännu fler intressanta funktioner: integration med hjälpsamma tjänster, kraftigt förbättrad metadata-stöd i tidslinjen (show notes) och mycket mer.
Fortsatt läsning
Utvecklingen av tillägget är en öppen process. Nuvarande version finns tillgänglig på GitHub Hjälp gärna till att bidra med att fixa buggar eller skicka förbättringar via GitHub.
Requires PHP 8.0+
- Ladda ned tillägget Podlove Publisher till ditt skrivbord.
- Om nedladdad som en zip-fil, extrahera ”plugin”-mappen till ditt skrivbord.
- Med ditt FTP-program, ladda upp ”plugin”-mappen till ”wp-content/plugins” i din WordPress-mapp online.
- Gå till ”Tillägg” och leta upp det uppladdade tillägget i listan.
- Klicka på Aktivera Tillägg för att aktivera det.
Vanliga frågor
Är Podlove Podcast Publisher gratis?
Yes! The core features of Podlove Podcast Publisher are and always will be free.
Finns det statistik för nedladdningar?
Ja! Podcastnedladdningar kan spåras och analyseras. Du kan med enkelhet se hur många personer som laddad ned dina avsnitt, vilka klienter dom använder, om dom prenumererar via flödet eller lyssnar via hemsidan genom webbspelaren—och mycket mer.
Övervägs integritet/GDPR?
Podlove Publisher är GDPR-kompatibelt och tillhandahåller färdigskrivna textstycken för din integritetssida. Se
Var kan jag lagra mina podcastfiler?
Vilken lagring som helst där du har kontroll över filnamnet är kompatibelt med Podlove Podcast Publisher. Du kan hantera filer enkelt genom FTP/sFTP eller använda tjänster som Amazon S3.
Var kan jag ställa frågor och ge support?
Free support where questions are answered by the community is available in the Podlove Community Forum. There is a German community in the Sendegate.
Hur kan jag hjälpa projektet?
The continued success of Open Source project relies on the community. There are many ways you can help:
Episode title in API now follows the same rules as in RSS feed. There’s a new field ’title_clean’ for accessing the specifically set plain episode title, but that might be null in some cases, so it’s better to default the ’title’ attribute to the usual rules.
– If you enjoy the plugin, please leave a review.
– You can answer questions of other fellow podcasters in the Podlove Community.Den här produkten innehåller data från GeoLite2 av MaxMind, tillgänglig från
Bidragsgivare och utvecklare
”Podlove Podcast Publisher” är programvara med öppen källkod. Följande personer har bidragit till detta tillägg.
Bidragande personer”Podlove Podcast Publisher” har översatts till 3 språk. Tack till översättarna för deras bidrag.
Översätt ”Podlove Podcast Publisher” till ditt språk.
Intresserad av programutveckling?
Läs programkoden, kika på SVN-filförvaret eller prenumerera på utvecklarloggen via RSS.
- security: add nonces to template actions
- security: use output escaping for episode slug
- add transcripts to import/export
- add confirmation button on modal to input episode image url
- fix: selecting an episode image updates the preview
- new: when selecting a file for Auphonic, its name is suggested to be used as episode slug
- fix: PHP deprecation warnings
- new: support
tag in RSS feed - fix: imports correct chapter times from Auphonic (when using features that affect the episode duration)
- maintenance: update various javascript dependencies
- fix: bug introduced in latest patch that created duplicate database entries for media files
Various fixes regarding adjusted media file handling introduced in version 4.0.11:
- dashboard shows a grey bar again when the file is inactive
- RSS feed correctly skips items with inactive files again
- changes in an episode immediately affect the RSS feed
There are various caches in place to ensure efficient delivery of the RSS feed
to podcast clients. However it can be hard to guess how long it will take for a
change to appear in the feed and podcatchers. Now, any change to the episode
metadata or enabling/disabling an asset immediately clears the cache for that
feed item, resulting in the change to be visible in the RSS feed immediately.
- transcripts: contributors in voices selection are sorted alphabetically
- fix: episode license and explicit value are not emptied when saving the episode
- maintenance: fix various notices from WordPress Plugin Check tool
- maintenance: js dependency updates
- fix
RSS tag. It now contains the valid values ”true” or ”false”. - fix typo in API:
field was mistyped asexpicit
- Shows Settings: sort Auphonic presets alphabetically
- Hotfix: Creating Auphonic productions works again
- Auphonic: reduce preset cache to 10 seconds so manual refreshing is not necessary (and remove broken refresh button on module page)
- Auphonic: select configured show preset when selecting a show
- Auphonic: fix status updates when opening an episode with an already running production
- performance: don’t try to fetch file headers twice for unreachable URLs
- performance: faster saving of slug changes
- Shows selection in the episode was rewritten for the new frontend stack. It is now compatible with the Automatic Numbering module again.
- transcripts: include json link in RSS again when ”Publisher Generated” is selected
- transcripts: polish timestamp rendering in preview (shorter, monospaced, right aligned, unselectable)
- chapters: fix ”unknown” durations
- security: add nonces to tools actions
Feature: Better control over transcripts in RSS feed
There is a new feature under Podlove > Podcast Feeds
called ”Episode
Transcripts” to control how episode transcripts should be referenced in your RSS
feed. The default is ”Publisher Generated vtt”, which is nearly the same
behavior as before (In previous versions, three variants were referenced: vtt,
json and srt. The json and srt URLs still work but they are not referenced in
the RSS feed any more as they are not neccessary and removing them reduces feed
size). There is a dedicated ”Do not include in feed” option, in case you do not
want the transcripts in your RSS feed.
Finally, you may prefer to host your transcript assets externally, just like
your audio files. If you have configured a transcript asset, you can now select
it in this setting. Then the RSS feed will reference this external file
Auphonic improvements
- add button to always access the import screen
- add button to delete a track
- show status in production selection
- rearrange / polish various some button and information positions
- add: capability ”podlove_manage_contributors” for contributors settings screens
- fix: sometimes missing voices in Podlove Web Player transcripts
- fix: sometimes an enabled asset is disabled a few moments later
- fix: show files as ”not found” when they become unreachable
- transcripts: rename ”delete” action to ”clear”
- transcripts: show timestamps in editor preview
- upgrade heroicons (icon library) from v1 to v2
- security: add nonces to jobs management
- add: migrate episode license selector user interface
- change: show unknown duration as ”–:–:–.—” instead of ”00:00:00.000”
- fix: auto-generate file slug from episode-post-title
- fix: ensure slug field is always usable (wide enough, and prefix shortened if necessary)
- security: fix SQL injection vulnerability in Related Episodes module
- security: ensure only administrators can manage jobs
- Templates: new
accessor forFile
objects. Returns if the file is marked as active.
Bugfixes and Improvements
- fix: don’t use the Auphonic chapter image URL (real fix where chapter images are downloaded and served from WordPress will follow later)
- fix: only display active files in download widgets
- improve handling of upload directory
- fix SSRF vulnerability in Slacknotes module
- add missing capability check and nonce validation to importer functions
- add missing capability check and nonce validation to exporter functions
- new: show admin notice when a database migration fails
- fix bug where tracking data could be lost by disabling a media file checkbox
- fix bug where imported Hindenburg chapters were not sorted by time
- fix build script (correctly delete all vendor prefixed dependencies)
- fix deprecation warnings (#1431, #1430)
- update js dependencies
- update help text for missing curl module
- fix security issues (XSS)
- do not unnecessarily flush rewrite rules (Issue#1432)
- fix link to Slacknotes and Subscribe Button documentation
- fix psr library not removed after prefixing (Issue#1421)
- trim whitespaces from beginning and end of file slug
- soundbite: change placeholder to HH:MM:SS to clarify format
- fix division by zero in analytics
- fix default contributors missing position attribute
- fix Auphonic chapter timestamp import
- fix page reload when clicking chapter upload button
- fix broken analytics episode screen
- fix media verification not saving
- fix shownotes unfurling
- avoid failure during database migration
- update/cleanup various js dependencies
- Auphonic: saving production not working when slug is not set (bug introduced in 4.0.5)
- Auphonic: restore previous behaviour:
- automatically fill in file slug, validate media files and fill in duration when production finishes
- use slug as ”output_basename” if it is set
- cleanup legacy js app (dependency updates, deletion of unused code etc.)
4.0.3 / 4.0.4
- Auphonic: sort presets alphabetically
- Contributors: make better use of available space
- episode metadata not saving reliably for some people
- Auphonic: fix chapter time import
- WordPress File Upload: display slug input (should be filled automatically but does not seem to work reliably)
- Auphonic: Chapters can be imported from production metadata
- Contributors: Add support for Gravatar and default contributor image on edit screens
- Dashboard: Asset Validation / Detection is working again #1396
- Automatic Numbering: error when selecting a show
- Auphonic: autosave before ”Start Production” so it is not required to explicitly save before starting
- Auphonic: open productions with missing algorithm information
- Templates: fix broken core templates
- Classic Editor: display Episode Title Placeholder based on Blog Post Title
Podlove Publisher 4.0 is here, bringing a spring-clean (in November!) of the episode page. We tore up the foundation to bring you an all-new user interface.
Warning: PHP 8.0 and above is now required!
- Episode Form User Interface is modernised and auto-saves, so no work is ever lost.
- Auphonic module includes Multitrack Support.
- New Contributors can be added without leaving the episode page.
- Chapters support images.
- REST API V2 is now, including many more endpoints. See the API documentation for all the details.
- file “slug” field is prefixed with the media location so it’s more obvious what it is used for
- episode duration is always auto-detected and not an input field any more
- Auphonic Preset can be selected directly in the episode and does not rely on global module setting any more
- removed module “Twitter Card Integration” (RIP). By the way, if you want to follow us on social media, find us here:
- fix various PHP notices and warnings to be PHP 8.0+ compatible
Ändringar för tidigare versioner finns i changelog.txt