Det här tillägget har inte testats med någon av de 3 senaste huvudversionerna av WordPress. Det kanske inte längre underhålls och kan ha kompatibilitetsproblem när det används tillsammans med nyare versioner av WordPress.

Social Simple Widget


Social Simple Widget plugins makes it super easy to display your social profile link on various networks ( angellist, adn, android, apple, bitbucket, behance, btc, cc-discover, cc-amex, cc-paypal, cc-mastercard, css3, drupal, expeditedssl, facebook, flickr, gratipay, html5, plus, twitter, linkedin, soundcloud, instagram, github, joomla, maxcdn, deviantart ) in your WordPress site. Social Simple Widget is quite simple to use for admin. These social links will help you to get power on social site.


  • Provide social link of facebook, twitter, linkedin etc.
  • Clean and interactive interface.
  • Easy to configure.
  • No need of technical knowledge at all.
  • Easy for admin.
  • Attractive for visitors and customers.
  • FontAwesome icons.


  • Social Simple Widget Admin Settings.
  • Social Simple Widget Frontend Appearance.


  1. Upload ’social-simple-widget’ to the ’/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ’Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Activate the plugin via the ’Plugins’ menu in WordPress, you’ll automatically redirected to plugin admin panel.
  4. Drag and drop widget from Appearance->Widgets or Appearance->Customize->Widgets.
  5. Icon list: angellist, adn, android, apple, bitbucket, behance, btc, cc-discover, cc-amex, cc-paypal, cc-mastercard, css3, drupal, expeditedssl, facebook, flickr, gratipay, html5, plus, twitter, linkedin, soundcloud, instagram, github, joomla, maxcdn, deviantart


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Version 2.3

Pinterst icon add

Version 2.2

Tested with WP 5.7.1

Version 1.2

Add new fields.
1. Icon Size (3 sizes)
2. Icon Style (4 styles)

Version 1.2.1

Readme change

Version 1.2.2

Readme change