Tilläggstagg: abandoned carts
CartBounty – Save and recover abandoned carts for WooCommerce
(Totalt antal betyg: 78)Spara övergivna varukorgar och skicka automatiska meddelanden för att återskapa övergivna varukorgar. Få fler potentiella kunder, minska övergivna varukorgar och öka försäljningen.
Abandoned Cart Reports For WooCommerce
(Totalt antal betyg: 18)A simple plugin to see how many carts and which products your customers are abandoning
Recover Abandoned Carts for WooCommerce by ShopMagic
(Totalt antal betyg: 3)Allows saving customer details on a partial WooCommerce purchase and sending abandoned cart emails.
WordPress abandoned cart recovery and email marketing for Easy Digital Downloads by Recapture
(Totalt antal betyg: 11)Recapture is the easiest and most effective way to recover abandoned carts and do email marketing for your Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) store in WordP …
Spoki – Chat Buttons and WooCommerce Notifications
(Totalt antal betyg: 11)WhatsApp full integration for your website! Recover Abandoned Carts, send Order Notifications and add WhatsApp Buttons.
Abandoned cart SMS reminders and SMS campaigns – CartFox
(Totalt antal betyg: 5)Dynamic SMS abandoned cart reminders with coupons, post-purchase campaigns and various options for SMS campaigns. Available for 58 languages worldwide …
Cart tracking for WooCommerce
(Totalt antal betyg: 2)Keep track of what people are adding or removing from their cart. See most added/removed products lists.
SendApp Notification – Notifications on Orders and abandoned carts for WooCommerce.
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)WhatsApp full integration for your website! Recover Abandoned Carts, Send Order, Post, Product Notifications and add WhatsApp Buttons.
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Dashly combines all instruments for marketing automation, sales and communications. Supports WooCommerce 5.x, 6.x, 7.x (tested up to 7.1.0).
Basket Recovery
(Totalt antal betyg: 3)Send automated reminder emails to users who abandon their shopping carts before making a purchase.
Cart Catch for WooCommerce – cart abandonment
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Allows WooCommerce store owners to recover lost sales, by emailing their customers.
MoceanAPI Abandoned Carts for WooCommerce
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)A plugin to save abandoned carts and send SMS notification to both admin and customer after received abandoned carts in WooCommerce.
Recover Exit For WooCommerce
(Totalt antal betyg: 1)Stop cart and checkout abandonment in minutes with RecoverExit for WooCommerce, easily offer users an instant discount when exit intension is detected …