Tilläggstagg: tools
Product Advisor for Ecwid
(Totalt antal betyg: 3)This module allows to show Random Products, Bestsellers, On Sale & Latest Products from Ecwid store.
BX Essentials
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Ferramentas e configurações padrões recomendados pelo time WordPress Buildbox.
Sample Data Generator
(Totalt antal betyg: 3)This plugin generate sample html content in WordPress editor. This plugin use LoremIpsum.net API, http://loripsum.net/api and http://dummyimage.com/.
Better Plugins Plugin
(Totalt antal betyg: 2)This plugin makes your life easier by providing tools for filtering, comparing, and reporting plugins.
Encryption Tools Generator
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Convert your wordpress page or post to a security or encryption online tool generator.
Stumble! for WordPress
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Stumble! for WordPress extends WordPress to support a "random article" feature, similar to StumbleUpon's StumbleThru.
Jameel's Dev Tools
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Chalked full of little helpers for developing websites, including search and replace function and shortcode to create columns.
Basic Dev Tools
(Totalt antal betyg: 4)A plugin with some Basic Tools For Development and Developers. Trying to be easier the way of develop common things in WP
(Totalt antal betyg: 4)WP-Chargify allows users to integrate the Chargify service with WordPress.
Env Bar
(Totalt antal betyg: 1)Display a colored bar to help distinguish between different environments.
Developer Toolbar
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Adds easy to access data for developers, including a fixed toolbar to the bottom of pages that shows query data and memory usage among other data.
Print Basic Facts
(Totalt antal betyg: 1)Print Basic Facts will display valuable, time saving, information for a WordPress site. Optimize your troubleshooting efforts with this lightweight ap …
WP Anchor Tab
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)A simple plugin to integrate your Anchor Tab with your WordPress blog.
Foxdell Folio Taxonomy Toolkit
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Have finer control over your taxonomies so that you can have better organisation of your posts by using taxonomies other than just Categories and Tags …
Wegner Tools
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)A small plugin to enable and disable multiple code snippets / tool via checkboxes. There are possibilities to extend and reconfigure the DIVI THEME.