All online stores suffer from shopping cart abandonment. CartBounty helps to save abandoned carts in WooCommerce and send effective abandoned cart reminder messages to recover lost sales.
- View shopping carts in real-time
- Save abandoned carts
- Automate abandoned cart recovery
- Get more leads and reduce cart abandonment
- Actions and filters for advanced configuration
- Fully compliant with GDPR
With thoughtful user experience, built-in efficiency tools and ability to integrate with other systems, CartBounty is a powerful addition to your marketing arsenal.
Live shopping cart monitoring and reports
CartBounty sparar och visar all aktivitet i varukorgen från det ögonblick en produkt läggs till i varukorgen.
- Detailed abandoned cart reports
- Discover the top most abandoned products
- View shopping cart abandonment data by country
- Visa anonyma varukorgar
- Get notified about newly abandoned carts
- Export abandoned carts (Pro)
- Prevent bots from leaving abandoned carts using Google reCAPTCHA (Pro)
Automate abandoned cart recovery
Spara din tid med automatisk återskapande av övergivna varukorgar och fokusera din energi på det viktiga.
- Send abandoned cart reminders using WordPress mail server
- Send abandoned cart email series using ActiveCampaign, GetResponse and MailChimp (Pro)
- Använd webbaviseringar för att skicka påminnelser som är lätta att ta till sig, realtidsbaserade, personliga och effektiva, utan att behöva ange en e-postadress eller telefonnummer (Pro)
- Use webhook to send abandoned cart data and create powerful automations in apps like Make (former Integromat), Pabbly, Zapier or similar (Pro)
- Send SMS text message reminders using BulkGate (Pro)
- Personalize messages with dynamic content (Pro)
- Generate and send unique coupon codes (Pro)
- Track message open and click-through rates (Pro)
- Recover unfinished orders (Pro)
- Restore Custom product fields (Product addons) and WooCommerce Product Bundles (Pro)
- Exclude carts from abandoned cart recovery based on specific products or product categories, countries, languages, IP addresses, and other criteria (Pro)
- Pause / Resume individual abandoned cart recovery (Pro)
- Översätt e-postmeddelanden och SMS-textmeddelanden, stöd för WPML-tillägg (Pro)
Get more leads and reduce cart abandonment
Använd CartBountys effektivitetsverktyg för att öka dina chanser att få fler återskapbara övergivna varukorgar.
- Reduce checkout abandonment with built-in ”Remember checkout fields” feature which allows store customers to refresh the checkout page after entering their information and walk around the page without losing previously entered data
- Use Exit Intent popup to minimize cart abandonment and increase sales
- Save contact details from 3rd party plugins and custom email and phone fields
- Gather user’s contact details right after ”Add to cart” button is clicked using Early capture (Pro)
- Provide Instant coupon codes to motivate customers to complete their purchase using Exit Intent and Early capture tools (Pro)
- Decrease shopping cart abandonment by grabbing customer attention and returning them to your store after they have switched to a new browser tab using dynamic Tab notification (Pro)
Utnyttja fördelarna med e-postserier för övergivna varukorgar, personifierade meddelanden och andra fantastiska funktioner genom att uppgradera till CartBounty Pro.
CartBounty Dashboard and abandoned cart reports including cart abandonment rate stats, abandoned cart data by country and top abandoned products Abandoned cart list Automatiserad återhämtning av övergivna varukorgar med hjälp av WordPress e-postpåminnelser Inställningar för e-post för återställning av WordPress WordPress recovery email preview Exit Intent popup settings General settings How Exit Intent popup looks like once the user tries to leave the shop
- Go to your WordPress dashboard > Plugins > Add new
- Sök efter ”CartBounty”
- Installera och aktivera CartBounty
- Optionally setup automated abandoned cart recovery emails using WordPress recovery
- Optionally enable productivity tools like Exit Intent to increase the ratio of recoverable abandoned carts
Vanliga frågor
När sparas varukorgen?
Så snart en produkt läggs till i varukorgen, blir den synlig för butikens administratör i CartBounty övergivna varukorgar. Varukorgen förblir anonym tills användaren tillhandahåller kontaktinformation från en av följande källor:
- Exit Intent popup or Early capture tools
- WooCommerce Checkout form
- Användarens konto om de är inloggad
- Web push notification permission
As soon as CartBounty has user’s contact information, the anonymous cart is turned into a recoverable cart. After the user places an order, the abandoned cart is immediately removed from the list of abandoned carts.
If you would like to enable Unfinished order recovery, please consider upgrading to CartBounty Pro.
När betraktas en varukorg som övergiven?
För att anses övergiven måste en varukorg vara inaktiv under en period på 60 minuter efter den senaste användaraktiviteten. Om du ser en ”shopping” status i kolumnen för övergivna varukorgar i CartBounty betyder det att användaren fortfarande aktivt handlar och inte har övergivit sin varukorg än.
Aviseringar eller påminnelser skickas endast ut efter att varukorgen har övergivits och ”shopping”-statusen har tagits bort.
Exempel. Om du har konfigurerat ditt första e-postmeddelande, textmeddelande eller Push-meddelande för återskapande av övergiven varukorg att skickas efter 5 minuter, kommer användaren att ta emot det ungefär 65 minuter senare (dvs. 60 minuter efter att varukorgen övergavs, plus 5 minuter för den konfigurerade fördröjningen).
How to send abandoned cart recovery messages?
När varukorgen överges kan en automatisk påminnelse eller en serie av flera påminnelser skickas till användaren under en period för att påminna om objekt i varukorgen.
The free version of CartBounty offers a basic solution for sending abandoned cart recovery emails using default WordPress mail server. This recovery option works well if you have a small to medium number of abandoned carts.
Uppgradera till CartBounty Pro för att ställa in och skicka automatiserade aviseringar för återhämtning av övergivna varukorgar via Push-meddelanden, e-post och SMS-meddelanden med hjälp av ActiveCampaign*, GetResponse*, MailChimp* eller BulkGate*.
Vad är anonyma varukorgar?
Varukorgar som inte kan identifieras klassificeras som anonyma eftersom besökaren inte har lämnat någon kontaktinformation. I detta scenario har användaren lagt till ett eller flera objekt i varukorgen men har inte lämnat någon kontaktinformation som senare kan användas för att återskapa den.
Du kanske är nyfiken på varför någon skulle vilja rädda dem? Här är ett par skäl:
To keep track of live shopping cart activity and get a better understanding of what’s happening in your store.
To identify the most popular products that are being added to carts.
To gather information about the potential revenue from abandoned carts.Med inställningarna för CartBounty kan du inaktivera anonyma varukorgar eller tillåta dem endast från vissa länder.
How does Exit Intent Technology work?
Exit Intent-teknologi är ett smart sätt att övervaka användarbeteende, inklusive musrörelser, rullhastighet och riktning, för att avgöra när en användare är på väg att lämna webbplatsen. När detta beteende upptäcks visas en popup för att engagera användaren. Syftet med Exit Intent-popupen är att motivera användaren att slutföra sitt köp eller lämna sina kontaktuppgifter som senare kan användas för att återskapa övergivna varukorgar.
Learn more about Exit Intent Technology and the principles of Mobile Exit Intent popup.
How to use CartBounty templates?
De offentliga komponenterna i CartBounty, såsom Exit Intent-popupen och WordPress återhämtnings-e-postmeddelanden, kan enkelt anpassas med hjälp av tilläggens inställningar. Om du behöver mer avancerade anpassningsalternativ kan du använda de förbyggda CartBounty-mallarna eller dra nytta av tillgängliga åtgärder och filter.
Du hittar alla tillgängliga mallfiler inuti /plugins/woo-save-abandoned-carts-pro/templates-mappen. När du öppnar dessa filer kommer du att märka att de alla innehåller åtgärds-hooks som tillåter dig att lägga till, ändra eller ta bort innehåll utan att behöva redigera själva mallfilerna. Denna metod skyddar mot problem med uppgradering av tillägget, eftersom mallfilerna kan lämnas helt orörda.
Please copy the template file you require to your active theme to keep your customization intact after plugin updates. You can copy them to either one of these locations:
- ditt_tema_namn/templates/emails/cartbounty-email-light.php
- ditt_tema_namn/templates/cartbounty-exit-intent.php
- ditt_tema_namn/cartbounty-exit-intent.php
Now you can edit your copied template file and it will override default CartBounty template file.
Vilka åtgärder och filter finns tillgängliga?
Along with the customization options available in plugin settings, CartBounty also allows the use of different hooks for advanced customization. These hooks are an excellent way if you are looking to alter or extend the features of CartBounty without modifying the core files of the plugin.
Below you will find a list of hooks available in CartBounty alongside different examples. When using these actions and filters to modify the plugin, please add your code in the functions.php file of your theme.
Allmänna åtgärds-hooks
- cartbounty_from_email
- cartbounty_waiting_time
- cartbounty_include_tax
- cartbounty_price_format
- cartbounty_display_currency_code
- cartbounty_save_custom_fields
- cartbounty_custom_email_selectors
- cartbounty_custom_phone_selectors
- cartbounty_custom_field_selector_timeout
- cartbounty_phone_validation
Here is an example how to change the From email that sends out notification emails using ”cartbounty_from_email” filter. Please add it to your theme’s functions.php file:
function change_from_email( $html ){ return ''; } add_filter( 'cartbounty_from_email', 'change_from_email' );
Example how to customize default waiting time after which the cart is considered abandoned using ”cartbounty_waiting_time” filter from 60 minutes (default time) to 30 minutes. Add it to your theme’s functions.php file:
function change_waiting_time( $minutes ){ return 30; //Minimum allowed time is 20 minutes } add_filter( 'cartbounty_waiting_time', 'change_waiting_time' );
Example how to display abandoned cart product prices excluding taxes:
add_filter( 'cartbounty_include_tax', '__return_false' );
Exit Intent hooks
Exit Intent template contains different actions and filters that allow you to create new, edit, replace, or remove existing content including the main image in Exit Intent window.
- cartbounty_exit_intent_start
- cartbounty_exit_intent_after_title
- cartbounty_exit_intent_before_form_fields
- cartbounty_exit_intent_end
- cartbounty_exit_intent_close_html
- cartbounty_exit_intent_image_html
- cartbounty_exit_intent_title_html
- cartbounty_exit_intent_description_html
- cartbounty_exit_intent_field_html
- cartbounty_exit_intent_button_html
Här är ett exempel på hur du lägger till ytterligare underrubrik efter rubriken med vår åtgärdshook ”cartbounty_exit_intent_after_title”. Lägg till den i ditt temas funktioner.php-fil:
function add_extra_html_after_title() { echo "<p>Additional subtitle here...</p>"; } add_action('cartbounty_exit_intent_after_title', 'add_extra_html_after_title' );
Exempel på hur du ändrar huvudbilden med ett filter:
function modify_image( $html ){ return '<img src=""/>'; } add_filter( 'cartbounty_exit_intent_image_html', 'modify_image' );
Exempel på hur du ändrar rubrik med ett filter:
function modify_title( $html ) { $custom_title = 'Your text here...'; return preg_replace('#(<h2[^>]*>).*?(</h2>)#', "$1 $custom_title $2", $html); } add_filter( 'cartbounty_exit_intent_title_html', 'modify_title' );
Example how to change the description using a filter:
function modify_description( $html ){ $custom_description = 'New description here...'; return preg_replace('#(<p[^>]*>).*?(</p>)#', "$1 $custom_description $2", $html); } add_filter( 'cartbounty_exit_intent_description_html', 'modify_description' );
WordPress e-post åtgärds-hooks
WordPress abandoned cart reminder template uses multiple actions and filters which can be used to alter the contents an appearance of the email.
- cartbounty_automation_before_title
- cartbounty_automation_after_title
- cartbounty_automation_after_intro
- cartbounty_automation_after_button
- cartbounty_automation_footer_start
- cartbounty_automation_footer_end
- cartbounty_automation_title_html
- cartbounty_automation_intro_html
- cartbounty_automation_button_html
- cartbounty_automation_copyright
- cartbounty_automation_footer_address_1
- cartbounty_automation_footer_address_2
- cartbounty_automation_unsubscribe_html
Example how to add additional content right before the main title in WordPress recovery reminder email:
function cartbounty_automation_add_extra_title(){ esc_html_e( 'Additional content before main title', 'woo-save-abandoned-carts' ); } add_action( 'cartbounty_automation_before_title', 'cartbounty_automation_add_extra_title' );
An example how to use a filter to alter the main title:
function cartbounty_alter_automation_title( $title ){ return '<h1 style="font-size: 60px; padding-bottom: 30px;">'. __('My new title', 'woo-save-abandoned-carts') .'</h1>'; } add_filter( 'cartbounty_automation_title_html', 'cartbounty_alter_automation_title' );
Example how to replace existing button name from ”Complete checkout” to ”Return to cart”:
function cartbounty_alter_automation_button( $button_html, $args ) { $new_text = __( 'Return to cart', 'woo-save-abandoned-carts' ); // Modify the button text $button_html = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%4$s" style="margin: 0; outline: none; padding: 0; box-shadow: none;"> <span style="padding: 18px 35px; background-color: %3$s; border-radius: 4px; color: %2$s; font-family: \'Open Sans\', Roboto, \'San Francisco\', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; display:inline-block; border: 0px none; font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: normal; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; outline: none;">%4$s</span> </a>', esc_url( $args['recovery_link'] ), esc_attr( $args['main_color'] ), esc_attr( $args['button_color'] ), esc_html( $new_text ) ); return $button_html; } add_filter( 'cartbounty_automation_button_html', 'cartbounty_alter_automation_button', 10, 2 );
How to change the default footer address. By default, it is taken from WooCommerce store address you have entered, but you can change it using a filter:
function cartbounty_alter_automation_footer_address_1( $address ){ esc_html_e('First address line...', 'woo-save-abandoned-carts'); } add_filter( 'cartbounty_automation_footer_address_1', 'cartbounty_alter_automation_footer_address_1' ); function cartbounty_alter_automation_footer_address_2( $address ){ esc_html_e('Second address line...', 'woo-save-abandoned-carts'); } add_filter( 'cartbounty_automation_footer_address_2', 'cartbounty_alter_automation_footer_address_2' );
How to prevent bots from leaving anonymous carts?
If you have noticed unusual amounts of multiple new anonymous carts being left almost at the same time, from one country and consisting of a single product, it might be that they are left by bots who are visiting your store.
Bots can be divided into two groups – good ones and bad ones.
- Good bots. The most common example of a good bot could be a web crawler. It is a bot that is sent via a search engine like Google to index your shop. Online store owners generally welcome these bots, because it keeps their content and products visible in the search engine results and hopefully will attract new visitors
- Harmful bots. These bots are visiting your store for malicious purposes. Their actions range from mildly harmful to potentially critical. Bad bots are scanning your store for weak spots, security holes, ways to take over your store, steal your visitor credit card data etc. Besides that, they are also increasing stress on your server thus slowing down your store
Harmful bots are the ones that might be responsible for leaving new anonymous carts on your website. While this is not dangerous, it can be frustrating and annoying. Here are three solutions that will help you to deal to with them:
- The quick solution is to simply disable anonymous carts from being saved by CartBounty. You can do this in the CartBounty settings. As easy as this solution is, it only deals with consequences and does not stop these harmful bots from visiting your store, continuously searching for new vulnerabilities, and slowing down your shop
- A better solution would be to install a WordPress plugin that helps to prevent bots from visiting your store. You could try out a couple of different plugins, but this might be a good starting point: Blackhole for Bad Bots. This way you will block harmful bots from wandering around your store and keep anonymous carts enabled to see what your customers are shopping for
- If you have a developer, they can help you check your server access logs to identify any bot entries. Then, you can use the .htaccess file to block these bots and prevent them from visiting your website. Check out this article for more information on blocking bad bots.
In addition, the Pro version allows you to select if guests from specific countries should be able to leave anonymous carts thus making sure that bots coming from countries you do not sell to are not able to leave anonymous carts.
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- Fixed email reminder sending if consent disabled