Det här tillägget har inte testats med någon av de 3 senaste huvudversionerna av WordPress. Det kanske inte längre underhålls och kan ha kompatibilitetsproblem när det används tillsammans med nyare versioner av WordPress.

WooCommerce Cart Tab


A big UX mistake on many eCommerce web sites is hiding access to the cart. After adding a product to the cart the visitors next logical step is to complete the purchase. Don’t frustrate your customers by making them search for the cart button!

This plugin adds a sitewide tab that displays the number of products in the cart. Clicking the tab or adding a product to the cart from a shop page will reveal the cart contents with a link to the checkout.

There are options in the Customizer to control the display.

Please feel free to contribute on github.


  • The cart tab.


  1. Upload woocommerce-cart-tab to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ’Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Choose your display settings on the catalog tab of the WooCommerce settings screen
  4. Done!

Vanliga frågor

Installation Instructions
  1. Upload woocommerce-cart-tab to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ’Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Choose your display settings on the catalog tab of the WooCommerce settings screen
  4. Done!
It doesn’t look like the screenshots on my site, what gives?

This plugin uses CSS3 for things like animation, rounded corners and box shadows. If you’re not using a modern browser then it might not look the same as the screenshots.

There is also the possibility that your theme is overwriting styles although that will be unlikely.

I found and fixed a bug how can I help?

Thanks! Please fork the repo on github, push your fix then send a pull request.


22 maj 2020
Requiero hacer un cambio en el texto de ”ver carrito” por cotizar. Se puede modificar?
Хороший плагин, лично протестировали его работу с WP 5.2 и Woo 3.6.2, с этими версиями работает. Ждем ответа от разработчика, для внесения доработок по дополнительным настройкам настройки внешнего вида панели и обновления поддержки.
24 oktober 2017
I stopped updating after 1.0 because it had less features and the new version was just annoying, and now I’m just going to replace it entirely.
Läs alla 59 betyg

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1.1.2 – 05/07/2018

  • Fix – Cart panel will now close automatically when the cart is emptied.

1.1.1 – 10/03/2017

  • Tweak – WooCommerce 2.7 support. Kudos @webmandesign.
  • Dev – Scripts and styles now versioned correctly.

1.1.0 – 08/02/2017

  • New – Cart tab is now hidden when the cart is empty.
  • Tweak – Overlay styling.
  • Localisation – updated .pot file.

1.0.0 – 26/01/2017

  • New – The cart tab now opens when an add to cart button on a shop page is clicked.
  • New – Cart tab opens on click rather than hover.
  • New – Display controls moved to the Customizer.
  • New – Integration with Storefront theme.

0.5.0 – 06/07/2016

  • New – Cart tab no longer displayed on handheld devices.

0.4.0 – 23/05/2016

  • New – Cart tab widget now has a max-height and will scroll if the contents are larger than the container.
  • New – Option to display cart total or subtotal. Props @craigtracey
  • Tweak – Translations now managed on .org (

0.3.1 – 04/17/2014

  • Fix – Hide the tab shadow when the cart is hidden.

0.3.0 – 04/03/2014

  • WooCommerce 2.1 compatibility.

0.2.2 – 14/01/2014

  • Sanitized some outputs (kudos colegeissinger).

0.2.1 – 16/09/2013

  • Better way of hiding the cart. Compatible with WP Super Cache as long as ”late init” is enabled. Kudos bigbrowncow.

0.2 – 01/07/2013

  • Added option to hide cart tab if the cart is empty. Kudos azhkuro.

0.1.1 – 30/05/2013

  • Improved i18n
  • added languages folder
  • added default .po file
  • added German translations for v0.1.1 (inluding the above enhancements)
  • Kudos to deckerweb for the above 🙂
  • UI tweak to be inline with 2.0s slightly updated settings API
  • Stripped object pass by reference


Initial release.