Det här tillägget har inte testats med någon av de 3 senaste huvudversionerna av WordPress. Det kanske inte längre underhålls och kan ha kompatibilitetsproblem när det används tillsammans med nyare versioner av WordPress.

Wprong Testimonial Slider


WPRONG Testimonial slider with shortcode button give you ability to show your client testimonial in your web page.

Plugin Features:

  • Crossbrowser support.
  • Shortcode with tinymce button.
  • Custom Metabox for extra information.
  • Flat, responsive and modern design.
  • Very Lightweight.
  • Advance settings options.
  • All WordPress Themes compitable.
  • Build with HTML5 & CSS3.
  • Easy and user-friendly setup.


  • General settings

  • Style settings

  • Main look

  • Shortcode


  • This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload wprong-testimonial-plugin.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ’Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place <?php do_action('[wprong_testimonial]'); ?> in your templates enjoy.

Vanliga frågor

What’s the shortcode for this plugin?

Here is an easy shortcode available for this plugin.

Testimonial slider shortcode : [wprong_testimonial]

Go to any page or post where you like to show your testimonials and place [wprong_testimonial] this in your editor.

How can I change slider options like slider speed auto-play etc?

I have created a advance setting option for this plugin. When you go to plugin setting page you will find a advance setting panel read the field help text and set the options as your need.

How can I change slider style like background color, font color, font size etc?

Go to style settings tab in pluging setting page read the field help text and set the options as your need.


3 september 2016
Cool plugin and easily Installation…
3 september 2016 1 svar
Its working really cool. Easy Installation and very easy to use this for testimonial slider. Thanks to developer.
Läs alla 3 betyg

Bidragsgivare och utvecklare

”Wprong Testimonial Slider” är programvara med öppen källkod. Följande personer har bidragit till detta tillägg.

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version 1.0.0

  • Initial release