• Hi my name is Krisztian Simon!

    I had Klarna on my webshop what is total worked but I dont know why its disapeared.
    I signed some new contract in my klarna on their site like ”my cutomers can pay 14 days later”

    So i dont know whats the problem because I didnt change anything with the setups in my wordpress. We tried to change the API key but its still not working even the klarna is activated basicly on my site.

    When we tried the test key than show up the opportunity to pay ”14 days later” but the opportunity to ”to slice with klarna ” wasnt there.

    I think there is something fail with the integration. Because the klarna not shows at all when I want to pay my cart. . Could you connect to my computer and help me? or I need a telefon number at least I can not fix this alone.

    Thank you,

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  • Moderator Jonathan Sulo


    Bygger snabbare hemsidor.

    Hi Krisztian! You may want to contact Klarna or the developer of the plugin that you’re using for your Klarna integration. Klarna is currently phasing out an older version of their API/system, which may cause older setups to break. But talk to them directly and they should be able to help you out.

    Trådstartare krisztian1990


    Hi Jonathan

    I called them . They said everything is fine from their side. THe problem has to be in the webshop. There is no reason to call them again I explained everything and they said everything is fine there. 🙁

    Moderator Jonathan Sulo


    Bygger snabbare hemsidor.

    Then I would recommend checking the WooCommerce logs and/or enabling the WordPress debug mode, as described here: https://wordpress.org/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/. It should help you find and manage any issues with your setup.

    You may also want to contact the developer of your Klarna plugin. This is a very specific issue, that they will have more knowledge and experience of. They will surely need to see any error messages as well, so you should check the logs and/or enable the debug mode regardless.

    Trådstartare krisztian1990


    I spoke again with the klarna we couldnt find the problem. They said I have to contact the woocommerce. I dont understand now the woocommerce and the wordpress is not the same?

    Because when I am going to the woocommerce offical page and to the ”get support” than the wordpress shows up.

    Moderator Jonathan Sulo


    Bygger snabbare hemsidor.

    WordPress and WooCommerce is open source software and we are WordPress enthusiasts who provide general support on a voluntary basis in this forum. I have explained how you can debug WordPress and check the WooCommerce logs, which should help you resolve this issue.

    If you need more in-depth technical assistance, you need to talk to the developer of the Klarna plugin or find some developer who can help you out. We can’t connect to your computer and we aren’t allowed to access or login to your WordPress site here.

    Here are the guidelines for this forum: https://sv.wordpress.org/support/riktlinjer/

    We can however try to figure out what’s wrong if you post some excerpts from the error or debug log. But again, you need to be able to resolve it technically yourself.

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