Jag kontaktade Hanna Swain (Vi arbetade båda på WordCamp Stockholm igår). Hon arbetar med support för just WooCommerce, och hon skriver så här:
Bild http://cld.wthms.co/kv9VWU
The search looks to be firing off correctly, going by the URL – and it’s correctly set to only search through products.
However, if you take a close look at the search text, below “all products”, it’s talking about the category, which it shouldn’t do.
Here’s what it looks like on my demo site:
he search works, and the text around the search results is completely different. This makes me think that the WordPress site is customized – the question will be which customization is causing the trouble.
Here’s how we usually explain testing:
Issues like this are often caused by either a conflict with your theme or with another plugin.
I recommend testing that first. The best way to determine if the issue is being caused by customizations to your theme and/or conflicts with plugins is to temporarily switch your theme to Twenty Seventeen and disable all plugins except for WooCommerce. A good way to do this is with a free plugin called Meks Quick Plugin Disabler (https://wordpress.org/plugins/meks-quick-plugin-disabler/), which will remember what plugins you currently have active so it’s easy to switch back.
If that resolves the issue, then slowly re-enable features until you find the one that’s causing the conflict.
If she’d like more specific help, she’s welcome to post on the English WooCommerce forums (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/woocommerce/) – we’re still going to ask her to do this test.
Svensk sammanfattning:
Någonting gör så att sökningen inte fungerar korrekt. Troligen handlar det om en konflikt med/mellan ett eller flera tillägg. Prova om saker fungerar som de ska när (i princip) alla tillägg är avaktiverade. Aktivera sedan ett-två tillägg åt gången (i din egen prioritetsordning) och prova mellan varje gång om felet har återkommit, för att på det sättet komma underfund med vilket tillägg som ställer till problem.
Om det är ok för dig att skriva på engelska kan du troligen få snabbare och mer kompetent hjälp i det globala supportforumet för just tillägget WooCommerce (adressen finns här ovan).