Hannah S.L.
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Forum: E-handel
Som svar på: Rabattkod fungerar ej i alla webläsareHiya!
I tested your site using the code
on both the cart and the checkout pages. It worked beautifully for me when testing both Opera and Firefox:
Link to image: https://cld.wthms.co/k1SEG3I also checked the browser console, which isn’t showing any errors that could be causing trouble.
It sounds like you’re having this problem in a bunch of different browsers and devices, but possibly on the same internet connection. That sounds like it might be caching at network or provider level which is causing some strangeness. I’d recommend testing this on a completely different internet connection to see the site works correctly at that point.
In general, this kind of problem is usually a front-end JavaScript conflict. If you’re still seeing the behavior, I’d recommend checking the browser console for errors which might point you to exactly where things are going wrong – that might help you figure out why some devices are showing the behavior with the coupon and some are working correctly.
https://wordpress.org/support/article/using-your-browser-to-diagnose-javascript-errors/Forum: E-handel
Som svar på: Nedladdningslänk uteblir i mail till kund efter utfört köp.Glad to hear it!
Forum: E-handel
Som svar på: Nedladdningslänk uteblir i mail till kund efter utfört köp.Hey @haber97,
You should be able to have multiple payment gateways installed, not just Payson. For example, Payment on Delivery is a built in payment gateway that’s great for testing, as it works similarly to an automatic gateway like Payson – when the order is submitted, it’ll jump immediately to
. Here’s some background on that:
https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/cash-on-delivery/It’s a good tool to have available for testing.
Okay, so the download links are generating correctly, but they aren’t showing up in the email.
As for why the download links aren’t showing up in the email – I was able to find this:
https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/completed-order-email-doesnt-contain-download-links/Just nu försöker jag installera plugin ”Post smtp” för att se om det kommer hjälpa. Har inte hittat svaren till all konfiguration ännu.
It sounds like you’re using this plugin:
https://wordpress.org/plugins/post-smtp/I don’t know too much about the plugin, but you could start with the instructions here:
https://wordpress.org/plugins/post-smtp/#installationOtherwise, I’ve had good luck with these instructions:
https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-send-email-in-wordpress-using-the-gmail-smtp-server/If you’re looking to send larger volumes of email, you might want to look into a dedicated SMTP server. Here’s a good place to get started:
https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/email-faq/#section-5Många rekommenderar att använda storefront temat så det har jag gjort utan att lyckas.
What isn’t working correctly with Storefront?
Finns det någon plugin som hjälper till med felsökning i loggar? Jag gruvar mig för att gräva i loggfiler på servern. Eller finns det någon som har ett bra tips när det gäller inställningar.
The logs are split up into different areas (i.e. PHP fatal logs, payment gateway specific logs, etc.) and are accessible via WooCommerce > Status > Logs. You can also access them through FTP, but I find the UI the easiest. If need be, I copy/paste them into a text file for easier searching.
Forum: E-handel
Som svar på: Nedladdningslänk uteblir i mail till kund efter utfört köp.Hey there!
I don’t write in Swedish well, but feel free to continue responding in Swedish. I’ll just answer in English. 🙂
It sounds like the problem is that when paying for digitally downloable products with Payson, the download link isn’t showing up in the email confirmation.
Here’s some follow up questions to narrow down what’s happening:
1. Does the download link show up on the order-confirmation page? https://cld.wthms.co/wk2x1b
2. What’s the order status of the order?
3. If you choose to pay with a different method (i.e. bank transfer) do the links show up correctly?Forum: E-handel
Som svar på: Föra över produkter till annan sidaHey there! I understand Swedish (so feel free to continue) but it’s fastest for all of us if I respond in English.
> på startsidan vill jag ha en länk till vissa utvalda produkter som man kan designa själv.. men hur jag än gör får jag inte upp dem utan enbart som enkla bilder (vill alltså ha både pris och att man kan välja tex storlek, färg och designa den).
The fastest way to do this would be to create a product category called ”designa själv” or similar. WooCommerce will automatically create a dynamic page which you can link to from your start page. That’ll be a normal product overview that shows the image, price, and a link to show more information.
If that’s not what you’re looking for, please let me know!
Forum: E-handel
Som svar på: Varför står det ”test” i orderbekräftelsen?Glad to hear it!
I guess the system autmatically updates to the newest version next time, skipping version 3.7? Ulrika
You’ve rolled back to 3.2.6. When WooCommerce 3.3.1 is released, it’ll show up as an update on your dashboard.
Your site may be set up to automatically update WordPress and/or plugins – you can check here:
http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-disable-automatic-updates-in-wordpress/Forum: E-handel
Som svar på: Varför står det ”test” i orderbekräftelsen?Perfect, thanks for the update!
It turns out this is a small bug that slipped into the latest release of WooCommerce, and will be fixed in the next version:
https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/18686In the mean time, you can safely roll back to WooCommerce 3.2.6 using the WP Rollback plugin:
https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-rollback/Forum: E-handel
Som svar på: Varför står det ”test” i orderbekräftelsen?Hey Ulrika!
But unfortunately the text ”Test” still shows on the Order mail
Thanks for letting me know how it went. If you check the email template via WooCommerce > Settings > Email, for example the ”Order processing” email template, do you see the word
in it?Forum: E-handel
Som svar på: Varför står det ”test” i orderbekräftelsen?Hey @smallbrands! I don’t speak Swedish, but I can read it.
så försvann den egna text jag lagt in i inledningen av alla orderbekräftelser som skickas automatiskt till kund vid inkommande order
I tried to do some searching on this, but the terms are just too vague to find anything useful.
It sounds like you’ve customized the email templates, and then something has overridden them. I’d take a look to see if the word “test” is now in the templates. If it is, then the templates have just been overwritten – I’m not sure what did it, but it’s always possible.
If the word “test” isn’t in the templates, then a plugin is adding it in. In that case, a plugin/theme conflict test is in order. Here’s how to do it:
The best way to determine if the issue is being caused by a theme and/or plugin is to temporarily switch your theme to Storefront and disable all plugins except for WooCommerce. If you can install plugins, install Health Check. On the troubleshooting tab, you can click the button to disable all plugins and change the theme for you while you’re logged in to that session without affecting normal visitors to your site. Note that Health Check may not count Storefront as a default theme, so you can also use Twenty Seventeen as well.
If that resolves the issue, then one-by-one you can switch back your theme and re-enable your plugins, testing in between, until you find the one causing the conflict.
Please do let me know how it goes!