Message for @csigaviki99 I’m writing…

Message for @csigaviki99
I’m writing in English, since I’m not sure that you actually understand Swedish.
When checking suggested Swedish translations from you, the Swedish team noted too many deviations from our style guide ( ) to spend our time on telling good and bad translations from each other. Our work here is voluntary, and we prioritize support/mentoring volunteer translators, rather than over and over sifting through and improving machine translations from people who aren’t able to act on our translation feedback.

If you do speak Swedish, then please join our Slack team and get in touch with us. You’ll find all details for this in the document I linked to.
We’ll be happy to make you translation editor for your plugin and provide feedback on your translations.

The global ”Polyglots” team has a page with recommendations on how you can generate more community translations for your plugin, see