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  • Version 2.6
  • Senast uppdaterat 7 maj 2024
  • Aktiva installationer 300+
  • PHP-version 5.6

BeautiPlus is a beautiful, responsive, colorful, stylish and free modern WordPress theme. BeautiPlus is an easy to use and highly intuitive multipurpose WordPress website theme. BeautiPlus has been designed with the main objective to provide website building platform for fashion and blogging website webmasters that are looking for professional quality and creativity.It is perfect for fashion, news blog, photography, wedding, fitness, health, gym, business, corporate, personal, construction, massage and spa, beauty saloon, bakery, cake shop, modeling, education, charity, glamour, music, blogging and any small business. Demo Link: https://gracethemes.com/demo/beautiplus/

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Aktiva installationer: 300+