Tilläggstagg: archives
Post Type Archive Link
(Totalt antal betyg: 25)Creates a metabox to the Appearance > Menu page to add custom post type archive links
Disable Author Archives
(Totalt antal betyg: 7)Disable Author Archives completely removes author archives and makes the web server return status code 404 ('Not Found') instead.
Simple Yearly Archive
(Totalt antal betyg: 29)Simple Yearly Archive is a rather neat and simple Wordpress plugin that allows you to display your archives in a year-based list.
Advanced Posts/Page
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Fine grained control of how many of your posts appear on each of the various WordPress archive pages.
Ultimate Noindex Nofollow Tool II
(Totalt antal betyg: 8)Improves your blog's search engine optimization by "noindexing" pages you choose. Now also for page-based (as opposed to date-based) archives.
Collapsing Archives
(Totalt antal betyg: 21)This plugin uses Javascript to dynamically expand or collapse the set of months for each year and posts for each month in the archive listing of your …
Expanding Archives
(Totalt antal betyg: 6)This plugin adds a new widget where you can view your old posts by expanding certain years and months.
Custom Post Type Date Archives
(Totalt antal betyg: 6)Add date archives to WordPress custom post types
(Totalt antal betyg: 1)Widgets: search, archives and categories. Shortcodes: archives, bloginfo, iframe and categories.
Compact Archives
(Totalt antal betyg: 9)Displays a smart monthly archive of posts in a more compact form rather than the default long archive widget.
Extra Shortcodes
(Totalt antal betyg: 10)[extra_archives], [extra_taxonomies], [bloginfo show="name"], [date format="l jS \of F Y"], [date_i18n], [time]
Post Type Archive Descriptions
(Totalt antal betyg: 6)Enables an editable description to display on post type archive pages. Show the description with WordPress's the_archive_description() function t …
Smart Archives Reloaded
(Totalt antal betyg: 15)Easily display posts grouped by year and month, in one or more elegant formats
Collapsed Archives
(Totalt antal betyg: 7)Adds a widget to display archive links using purely CSS-based collapsing.
Custom Posts Per Page
(Totalt antal betyg: 12)Custom Posts Per Page provides a settings page in your WordPress admin that allows you to specify how many posts are displayed for different views.
Clean My Archives
(Totalt antal betyg: 12)An easy-to-use shortcode for displaying post archives on your site.
(Totalt antal betyg: 11)Tainacan is an open-source, powerful and flexible digital repository platform for WordPress.
Custom Query Blocks
(Totalt antal betyg: 25)Map your archives to pages. Map 404 and term archives as well.
Custom Posts Per Page Reloaded
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Custom Posts Per Page Reloaded provides a settings page in your WordPress admin that allows you to specify how many posts are displayed for different …
Clean Archives Reloaded
(Totalt antal betyg: 1)A slick, Javascript enhanced post archive list generator.