Tilläggstagg: Verse
Logos Reftagger
(Totalt antal betyg: 15)Logos Reftagger turns Bible references into links to the verse on Biblia.com and adds tooltips with the text of the verse.
Bible Verse of the Day
(Totalt antal betyg: 11)Shows the daily inspiring Bible verse or a random Bible verse from DailyVerses.net. In English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, …
Bible Verse Display
(Totalt antal betyg: 1)Lets you display either the verse of the day from Biblegateway, or a random verse from your favorites.
BibleLink Multilingual
(Totalt antal betyg: 4)This lightweight plugin makes Bible references on your website interactive and supports multiple languages.
Quran Gateway
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Display the Quran or its translation in different languages either verse by verse or whole surah along with audio streaming.
WP Audio Verse
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)The WP Audio Verse plugin help to publish Holy Quran, online course, holy bible, verse, sermons, lyrics, poem, Spoken English Course
Quran Shortcode
(Totalt antal betyg: 2)Insert any Quranic text in your post easily by searching for a specific word or choosing the number of the verse and the number of the surah.
Reftagger Shortcode
(Totalt antal betyg: 1)Reftagger Shortcode creates a button in the TinyMCE visual editor in Wordpress allowing you to easily add semantic Bible markup.
Versiculo del dia
(Totalt antal betyg: 2)Este plugins muestra un versiculo diario de la Santa Palabra de Dios, la biblia, por Bibliatodo.com
Verse Of The Day
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Displays a daily bible verse on your site, using a Verse of the Day RSS feed.
Verse of the Day
(Totalt antal betyg: 1)This plugin shows a daily verse of the Holy Word of God, the Bible, on Bibliatodo.com
Ayah of the Day WordPress Widget
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)It displays translation of a verse from Holy Quran(Muslim's holy book) on your blog sidebar.
Simple Bible Verse via Shortcode
(Totalt antal betyg: 1)Displays a Bible verse (KJV) based on the reference placed in a shortcode.
Scripture Cloud
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Creates a Scripture Cloud of referenced Bible verses in your blog.
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)BibleScriptureTagger Creates a hover for Bible references and reveals the verse text and provides a link for further study at the Bible Portal.
Gita Verses and Quotes
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Display beautiful verses from Gita on your website using shortcode and widget. Use shortcode [gita-quote] to display randomly generated Gita verses in …
Verse of the Day Widget for WP
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Displays a daily Bible verse with a high-quality image of a nature scene that is AI-generated and in Google's WebP image format.