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ACF: TablePress


This is an extension for the popular Advanced Custom Fields plugin and TablePress plugin. By itself, this plugin does NOTHING.

This add-on for Advanced Custom Fields creates a custom field type to select a TablePress table, providing a dropdown menu that lets you select from a list of available tables. The field can return the table ID for the table selected, or the full HTML of the table.

This plugin requires:

  • Advanced Custom Fields version 4+ or 5+
  • TablePress version 1.5+

Just to be sure there’s no confusion… This plugin does nothing unless ACF (Or ACF Pro) and TablePress are both active on your site

Follow this plugin on GitHub

Using the Field

This field can return the table ID for the table selected, or the full HTML of the table (the same output as the rendered shortcode).

When returning the table ID, either of the following code snippets will output your table (replacing ’your_table_here’ with the field name you defined in your ACF Field Group settings).

    $tablepress_id = get_field( 'your_field_here' );
    echo do_shortcode( '[table id="'.$tablepress_id.'"]' ); 

or, to avoid using do_shortcode(), use

    $tablepress_id = get_field( 'your_field_here' );
    $args = array(
      'id' => $tablepress_id,
    if ( function_exists( 'tablepress_print_table' ) ) {
      tablepress_print_table( $args );

To simply display the chosen table on your page, choose the HTML output option in your field settings, and insert into your php with

the_field( 'your_field_here' );

For a more detailed explanation, see our article, Setting up an ACF field for TablePress.


  1. Copy the acf-tablepress folder into your plugins folder
  2. Activate the plugin via the Plugins admin page


3 september 2016
Tablepress is a good plugin and it’s with ACF really fentastic easy to get any pages posts etc. any where really its very helpful to me..!! Thank you.
3 september 2016
I’m using this plugin to combine ACF with TablePress in order to manage products and the data of a single product. This plugin saves a lot of work and enables a seamless integration into the UI of your custom post types. Handling lots of data with custom post types? No problem for this one. 4 Words: Awesome Plugin – awesome support! Loved it right away!
3 september 2016
rocking plugin. Really handy and useful plugin to print tables via ACF. With regards Selvam.S
Läs alla 5 betyg

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  • Fix: Fixed bug that prevented non-administrator users from inserting tables.
  • Fix: Fixed bug that failed to display the table while logged out and using ”HTML Output”


  • Fix: Fixed undefined variable notices introduced in 1.3.


  • Update: Improved activation check: plugin now checks for Advanced Custom Fields as well as TablePress before activating.


  • Update: Drop-down list sorts by table title instead of table ID.


  • Fix: bug intoducted in last update displaying wrong version number.


  • Update: Updated TGM-Plugin-Activation library to 2.5.2


  • New: Added i18n support
  • New: Added Portuguese translations (pt_PT, pt_BR)
  • Update: Changed text domain to match the plugin slug (’acf-tablepress’)
  • Update: Removed hard-coded settings in rendered tables


  • Första version