

Cargo delivery. Enables the use of Cargus as a shipping method, management and creation of awbs for orders delivered with Cargus.

Important!! The Cargus plugin comes as a rebranding for the existing UrgentCargus plugin. Before installing the Cargus plugin, if the UrgentCargus plugin is present on your site, it must be uninstalled first and only after that you can install, activate and configure the Cargus shipping plugin!

Before you are able to use the Cargus plugin you must do the following:
– Access urgentcargus.portal.
– Click the ’Sign up’ button and fill in the form (you can not use the credentials that the client has for WebExpress).
– Confirm your registration by clicking on the link you received by mail (a real email address should be used).
– On the urgentcargus.portal page, click on PRODUCTS in the menu, then UrgentOnlineAPI and click ’Subscribe’, then ’Confirm’.
– After the Cargus team confirms subscription to the API, the customer receives a confirmation email.
– On the urgentcargus.portal page, click on the user name at the top right, then click Profile'.
- The two subscription keys are masked by the characters
xxx … xxxand 'Show in the right of each for display.
– It is recommended to use Primary key in the Cargus module.

You can find the documentation here. The documentation contains all the steps necessary in order to get the required api key, download, install and configure the Cargus plugin. In the documentation you will also find information on how to use and easily customize the plugin using the provided hooks.


  • Cargus settings.
  • Cargus settings part 2.
  • Ship and go settings.
  • Ship and go Checkout.
  • Ship and go Widget Map.


Minimum Requirements

  • PHP 7.4 or greater is recommended
  • MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended
  • WordPress 5.0 or greater is recommended
  • Woocommerce 4.0 or greater is recommended
  • max-execution-time=90

Visit the Cargus documentation for detailed installation and configuring instructions.

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option — WordPress will handle the file transfer, and you won’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic installation of Cargus, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click “Add New.”

In the search field type “Cargus,” then click “Search Plugins.” Once you’ve found it, you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by! Click “Install Now,” and WordPress will take it from there.

Manual installation

Manual installation method requires downloading the Cargus plugin and uploading it to your web server wit a FTP application in the /wp-content/plugins directory. Once you do that you can go to the Plugins section in admin and activate the Cargus plugin.
Important !! The Cargus plugin comes with a rebranding for the UrgentCargus plugin. If you have the UrgentCargus plugin installed on your website, you must deactivate it in order to install the Cargus plugin.


23 oktober 2024
In primul rand NU functioneaza cu ultimele versiuni de woocommerce in sensul ca NU apare meniul de generare awb, iar in al 2-lea rand cred ca ar fi fost normal sa raspunda la mesajele utilizatorilor si sa incerce sa rezolve BUG-urile raportate.
10 oktober 2024
Dupa cum a mai scris cineva, iti ingreuneaza vizibil raspunsul site-ului, mai ales in admin. Avantajul este ca poti genera rapid awb-uri, dar doar atat
28 april 2023
Pe lângă măgăriile care au loc în pagina ce checkout, unde sunt modificate câmpurile și sunt făcute multe conexiuni puturoase cu serverul lor, îngreunează viteza generală a website-ului și chiar poate să îl crape în funcție de ce update mai apare la WooCommerce. Este foarte instabil și foarte lent.
18 april 2023
I don’t know when this started but it became more and more disturbing. Why they need admin rights to my site when the error can be seen from any browser as simple user? More and more plugin developers are asking for it, as there is not GDPR regulation and many sensitive data on the sites, and can give access to everybody as they ask for. Please setup a test environment by yourself if you need it and stop disturbing the clients with giving you admin right on their sites. In this particular case pissed me off for an error where the Postal Code can not be calculated if you enter the number 1 (ONE) as the street number (Country, County, City and Street name being corect filled in advance). Have told them about the issue even with prescreens from the Chrome browser in developer mode. Have explained that it can be reproduced in any client browser as user and not need any admin right to see the bug. Just put the Chrome browser in developer mode and check the box to break on any uncatched error. Open the cart page and fill the address information puting number 1 (ONE) as street number. This will triger the error and the debugger will stop on it. Then you just move the breakpoint to the beginning of the function and refresh the page. Analize the data, execute the function step by step and you can see where is the error and how can be fixed. So please, just stop wasting the others time with the incompetence of the commercial department and just pass the tickets to the developers, because in 90% of the time the errors can be reproduced and solved without the need of site admin access.
13 december 2022
A fost o surpriză plăcută să descopăr că au făcut și ei o integrare și au urcat-o în repo-ul de WP, desigur era mai bine să ne și fi anunțat (ca și dev/integratori/clienți). Pentru versiunea 1.0.1 am întâlnit următoarele 3 probleme (majore) + 1 simplu bug: 1. ship & go este slab construită, se blochează browser-ul din cauza numărului ENORM de mare de elemente DOM (550k+ elemente) pe care le introduce în browser atunci când aduce harta și locațiile; deci nu recomand să folosiți această opțiune deoarece o să se blocheze checkout-ul la utilizatori 2. obligativitatea codului poștal, dacă nu există nu poți să generezi AWB; când o să fie codul poștal scris pe buletinul clientului, atunci ar trebui cerut obligatoriu în rest nu; eu mi-am rezolvat problema asta prin a defini 000000 dacă este gol codul poștal din comandă, sper să vedem un update și de la autori. 3. documentația este inexistentă (nu merg link-urile) iar ca bonus: 4. interfața nu este chiar cea mai prietenoasă/intuitivă: 4.1 nu ai buton dedicat de generare awb, ai în selectorul de acțiuni opțiune de creare, ștergere sau print (prost organizate, poți ușor să selecteze operatorul greșit) 4.2. după fiecare acțiune selectată, trebuie să o trimiți și să aștepți răspuns 4.3 ajungi să faci un total de 2 selecții + 2 click doar pentru a scoate awb (în condiții ideale), față de un buton clasic cum se vede în restul industriei în care îți iese direct awb-ul la un singur click (fără alte interacțiuni). Kudos pentru opțiunea de bulk, am testat un pic și acolo este mai OK, pentru comenzile invalide le sare și îți vine mesaj că s-a generat doar pentru comenzile x și y, nu și z (fără să zică motivul).
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  • Initial release
  • Added Cargus ship and go shipping method
  • Added ”Ramburs la ship and go” payment method to go with the Cargus ship and go shipping method
  • Added the possibility to generate/print/delete awbs for orders in bulk as well as individually from wordpress admin
  • Reformed the plugin to match the WordPress coding standards.


  • Fixed Valoare Ramburs Input type number step from .1 to .01
  • Fixed WC->Cart value null issue
  • Fixed Fatal error api unavailable issue
  • Updated pudo_locations.json file with the latest pudo locations


  • Added buttons on the admin edit order panel for Generating AWB, Printing AWB and Deleting AWB for easier access
  • Added more detailed error notices for when and awb is not generated on bulk
  • Added fields in the plugin woocommerce settings for changing the order status on Generate AWB and delete AWB
  • Removed order action options from admin edit order panel for Generating AWB, Printing AWB and Deleting AWB
  • Fixed the arguments order for the method call_method from Cargus_Api class


  • Added admin option for VAT tax inclusion on calculates shipping cost
  • Fixed console error on cart and checkout when using only Cargus standard delivery ad not Cargus ship and go delivery
  • Fixed forced shipping cost recalculation when not needed
  • Fixed remove ”Generate AWB” button from admin single order panel after generating awb
  • Fixed order status option text


  • Fixed awb bulk generation error


  • Fixed Ship and go map not being displayed


  • Changed the Ship and go map visual hook location from ”woocommerce_cart_totals_before_order_total” to ”woocommerce_before_cart” on cart
  • Changed the Ship and go map visual hook location from ”woocommerce_review_order_before_order_total” to ’woocommerce_checkout_before_customer_details” on checkout
  • Added the Generate postal code functionality. The postal code will pe automatically generated after filling in the address.
  • Added new Street and Street Number fields to the address forms in the my account and checkout sections for billing and shipping.
  • Added select 2 functionality to the City field.
  • The address_field_1 address field is now hidden and is being filled automatically after the street number is filed in or on order checkout.
  • The address_field_2 now has a label and is listed under the street number field.
  • Added the cargus_after_print_awb hook that runs after generating the printable the awb.
  • Fixed the shipping price recalculation.
  • Included the full minified bootstrap js instead of the custom part one.


  • Fixed The Street and Street Number custom fields are only available now for the Romanian Country


  • Fixed ”Produse” text appearing twice on the printed awb
  • Fixed Cart Shipping calculator error
  • Added, The new Parcel for multiple parcels orders now appears on top instead of the bottom
  • Added a ”Actualizeaza” button for the order ”Detalii AWB” fields
  • Added a filter for the create AWB fields named ”cargus_before_create_awb_fields” that has as parameters $fields, $order_id, $cargus
  • Added a filter for the order ”Detalii AWB” fields named ”cargus_before_add_metabox” that has as parameters $args_form, $cargus_options
  • Added a filter for the order ”AWB actions” buttons named ”cargus_before_add_buttons_metabox” that has as parameters $args_form, $cargus_options
  • Added a filter for the Cargus Shipping method Settings Extra fields named ”cargus_shipping_method_extra_fields” that has as parameters $extra_fields


  • Fixed Zip code generation for street number 1
  • Added field validation for the street number field, so it’s not too long
  • Added cargus_add_shipping_discount filter that runs before the shipping price is calculated, has one parameter type int
  • Added cargus_shipping_method_title_free that runs before the free shipping method title is displayed, has one parameter, type string


  • Fixed Ship and go selected location name not appearing in the order confirmation email.
  • Fixed (Hopefully) the page loading time slowing issue
  • Added the Cargus Saturday delivery shipping rate, with it’s separate price field and title field. This shipping rate it’s available only on fridays, with delivery on saturday.
  • Added the Cargus pre10 delivery shipping rate, with it’s separate price field and title field. This shipping rate it’s available only from monday to thursday, with delivery on weekdays before 10:00.
  • Added the Cargus pre12 delivery shipping rate, with it’s separate price field and title field. This shipping rate it’s available only from monday to thursday, with delivery on weekdays before 12:00.
  • Added Shipment status on the my account order details page.
  • Added qrcode for the return code on the my account order details page.
  • Removed the ”Livrare sambata” and ”Livrare dimineata” fields from the Cargus settings.
  • Removed the ”Livrare sambata” field from the single order page options.


  • Fix deploy issue


  • Fix cargus modal button showing


  • Remove morningDelivery awb request field
  • Fix normalize function callback


  • Fix calculating the shipping cost
  • Make the street and city select2 fields width 100%
  • Disable ”Ship to different address” checkbox when selecting ship and go
  • Change the map location to wp_footer on both cart and checkout
  • Add the new map widget
  • Fix not showing the ”Alege punct” button for ship and go if the Shipping zone name contained diacritics
  • Fix the Shipping cost for Bucharest being overridden
  • Fix the checkout Js files not loading without $_SESSION already started


  • Change the name of the file path responsible to the Ship&Go functionality from cargusWidget.js to carguswidget.js


  • Changed the sipping carrier id from ’cargus_ship_and_go’ to ’63
  • Filter the ship and go button html with wp_kses_post()
  • Overwrite the get_admin_options_html method so that the


table> html tag cold be printed in the shipping method settings as well
* Add the #[AllowDynamicProperties] class tag to the cargus shipping classes
* Add tooltip description to cargus settings


  • unset the [’Recipient’][’StreetName’] field from the api request when there is ’StreetId’ and ’BuildingNumber’ are to be sent
  • unset ’StreetName’, ’StreetId’ and ’BuildingNumber’ when the selected shipping method is Cargus Ship&Go
  • fixed the payment status going automatically to Order payed when the selected shipping payment gateway is ’Ramburs la Ship and go’, now the payment status changes to Order payed only when the order status is set to ’Completed’
  • added the filter ’cargus_ship_and_go_map_button’ to the ’cargus_display_map_button’ method in the ’Cargus_Public’ class so that the users can modify or write their own code for the Cargus ship and go map button
  • deleted unnecessary files


  • Force shipping recalculation even if the selected shipping method is ship and go or simple cargus
  • Make the ship and go map and ship and go map button less restrictive