Disco är en allt-i-ett WooCommerce-rabatthanterare som tillåter dig att enkelt implementera dynamisk prissättning och rabatter för WooCommerce.
Oavsett om du erbjuder en fast varukorgsrabatt, produktbaserade rabatter eller 2-för-1-erbjudanden, gör Disco det enkelt att ställa in och hantera rabattregler för WooCommerce över olika kamptyper.
With Disco – Dynamic Discount Plugin for WooCommerce, you can create highly customizable and conditional discount campaigns that maximize revenue and customer satisfaction. The plugin supports creating six unique discount campaign types, all optimized to meet the specific needs of any WooCommerce store.
✨ Varför välja Disco – WooCommerce rabatthanterare? ✨
Disco erbjuder en komplett WooCommerce-rabatthanteringslösning, vilket är idealiskt för dig om du vill automatisera och optimera dina rabattstrategier.
With easy-to-use discount settings and conditions, you can create flexible rules based on product info, categories, tags, customer behaviors, and cart details—without writing a single line of code.
Try Premium Version: Disco Pro Plugin
For Support Email to support[@] Or Ask Question
Read step-by-step Documentation and Blog
Disco Plugin Free contains everything you need to create and manage WooCommerce discounts, and the Disco Premium Plugin unlocks even more amazing features and functionality.
😩 Pains & Solutions 😎:
Tidskrävande manuell rabatthantering: Att hantera flera rabattkampanjer manuellt kan vara besvärligt. Disco automatiserar skapandet av rabatter, vilket sparar tid och ansträngning.
Brist på flexibilitet i WooCommerces inbyggda rabattalternativ: WooCommerces standardrabattsystem är ofta för grundläggande för avancerade kampanjer. Disco erbjuder ett brett utbud av anpassningsbara rabattregler för att passa alla affärsstrategier.
Missed Opportunities for Targeted Discounts: Offering discounts to the right customers at the right time can boost sales significantly. Disco allows you to target specific customers, products, and cart conditions with personalized offers.
Low Cart Value or Sales: Struggling with low average order values? Disco’s cart-based discounts, bulk pricing, and BOGO deals incentivize customers to purchase more, increasing your revenue.
Complex Discount Conditions: Creating multi-tiered, conditional discounts can be confusing and error-prone. Disco simplifies this by providing an easy-to-use interface to set up conditions based on product attributes, cart totals, customer behavior, and more.
Automatiserade rabattkampanjer: Minska tiden och felen som är involverade i hanteringen av rabattkampanjer med helt automatiserade inställningar.
Omfattande rabattregler: Från fasta varukorgsrabatter till BOGO-erbjudanden erbjuder Disco ett brett utbud av rabatttyper för att passa alla marknadsföringsbehov.
Ökning av kundbehållning och konvertering: Med rabattregler i WooCommerce som riktar sig mot specifika kundbeteenden kan du skapa personliga erbjudanden som får kunderna att komma tillbaka.
Responsive Support: Our dedicated support team can assist you with any queries or issues. Documentation and Video Tutorial coming soon.
☞ 🔥 Viktiga funktioner: 🔥
Six Discount Types: Supports Product-Based, Cart-Based, Free Shipping, Bulk, Bundle, and BOGO Discounts.
Advanced WooCommerce Discount Rules: Set up conditions based on product attributes, cart contents, customer behavior, and more, ensuring targeted and flexible discount strategies.
Fixed Cart Discounts for WooCommerce: Easily apply fixed cart discounts to incentivize higher cart values or create WooCommerce cart discounts that adjust based on cart conditions.
Product-Based Discounts: Apply fixed product discounts across all products or selected product groups, enabling you to set WooCommerce product discount percentages and manage quantity-based discounts.
Bulk Discounts: Offer WooCommerce bulk discounts on specific products or product categories to encourage larger orders and clear stock.
Bundle Discounts: Use WooCommerce bundle discounts to offer product combinations at discounted rates, helping to upsell complementary products.
BOGO (Buy One Get One) Offers: Run enticing WooCommerce BOGO campaigns, using BOGO coupons and plugins to increase average order values.
Free Shipping Discounts: Apply WooCommerce free shipping discounts based on cart value, product selections, or customer location to improve conversion rates.
User Limits and Date Scheduling: Set user limits and define start/end dates for time-sensitive promotions.
Varför nöja dig med det vanliga när du kan göra din butik ännu bättre med skräddarsydda, smarta rabatter? Använd Disco nu och se dina konverteringar skjuta i höjden!
☞ 💯 Disco is Ideal For: 💯
- Online-återförsäljare vill öka försäljningen och kundengagemanget.
- Butiksägare vill rensa lagret effektivt genom riktade rabatter.
- E-handelsföretag som strävar efter att erbjuda personliga shoppingupplevelser.
💠 Disco – Funktioner: 💠
➡️ WooCommerce Cart Discount Features:
Disco allows you to set up multiple cart-related discount rules, including:
- Fixed Cart Discount WooCommerce: Set fixed discounts for all cart items or based on cart totals.
- WooCommerce Cart Discount Plugin: Apply automatic discounts when a cart reaches a certain value or contains specific products.
- Visa rabatt i varukorgen: Visa automatiskt rabatter i WooCommerce-varukorgen, vilket uppmuntrar kunder att slutföra sina köp.
➡️ Produktbaserade rabatter:
Med Disco kan du skapa produktrelaterade rabattkampanjer, inklusive:
- WooCommerce fast produktrabatt: Tillämpa fasta rabatter på alla produkter eller specifika produktgrupper.
- WooCommerce Product Discount Percentage: Offer percentage-based discounts on select products or categories, like ”10% off on all electronics.”
- WooCommerce Discount on Multiple Products: Enable bulk discounts on multiple products, such as “Buy 3, Get 1 Free.”
- WooCommerce Grouped Product Discount: Group products together and apply specific discounts to increase cart size.
➡️ Free Shipping Discounts:
Drive conversions by offering free shipping discounts with flexible conditions:
- Fraktrabatt WooCommerce: Erbjud gratis eller rabatterad frakt på beställningar över en viss tröskel.
- WooCommerce Shipping Discount Plugin: Customize shipping discounts based on location, cart value, or product type.
➡️ Massrabatter:
Uppmuntra kunder att köpa i bulk med WooCommerce massrabatter:
- WooCommerce Bulk Discount Plugin: Apply percentage-based discounts when customers purchase large quantities of an item.
- Bulk Discounts for WooCommerce: Run promotions like “Buy 10, Get 30% Off.”
- WooCommerce Bulk Discount Categories: Apply bulk discounts across specific product categories to move inventory quickly.
➡️ Bundle Discounts:
Boost your store’s average order value with WooCommerce bundle discounts:
- Bundle Discount WooCommerce: Offer special pricing when customers buy certain product combinations, like “Buy 2, Get 15% Off.”
- WooCommerce Product Bundle Discount: Combine related products into bundles and offer discounts to incentivize customers to buy more.
💯 Villkorliga rabatter för varje scenario 💯
- Disco tillåter dig att ställa in villkor för dina rabatter med ett brett utbud av alternativ:
- Product-Based Discounts: Target specific products, categories, or SKUs.
- Cart-Based Discounts: Offer cart-level discounts based on total value, items, or customer behavior.
- Customer Behavioral Pricing: Personalize offers based on customer segments, like first-time buyers or loyal customers.
- Shipping and Tax Conditions: Adjust discounts based on shipping class, tax status, or geolocation.
☞ Pro-funktioner (Kommer snart i Disco Pro):
Upgrade to the Disco Pro Version to unlock advanced discounts and boost your sales!
- BOGO (Buy One Get One): offers are proven ways to drive sales:
- WooCommerce BOGO Plugin: Easily set up BOGO deals using WooCommerce BOGO coupons, such as “Buy 1 Get 1 Free” or “Buy 2 Get 50% Off.”
- BOGO Deals WooCommerce: Customize BOGO offers based on product categories or quantities to optimize sales.
- Unlimited Campaigns: Run multiple discount campaigns simultaneously.
- Avancerad rapportering: Övervaka och optimera kampanjprestanda med djupgående analys.
- Rollbaserad prissättning: Erbjud exklusiva rabatter till specifika användarroller, som exempelvis grossistkunder eller VIP-medlemmar.
- Stöd för flera språk: Perfekt för WooCommerce-butiker som riktar sig till internationella marknader.
Förbättra din butiks rabattstrategi med Disco. Oavsett om du erbjuder dynamisk prissättning, fasta varukorgsrabatter eller 2-för-1-erbjudanden, hjälper Disco dig att sätta upp och hantera omfattande rabattkampanjer skräddarsydda efter dina affärsbehov.
Supported plugins:
The disco plugin is designed to integrate seamlessly with various support plugins, ensuring smooth functionality and enhanced features for your WooCommerce store.
Multicurrency Support with WPML
Disco Plugin works perfectly with WPML for multi-currency support. Now, you can set up discounts in different currencies, making it easy to sell globally. -
Get Currency Switcher Professional with FOX
Our WooCommerce Discount Plugin works seamlessly with the Currency Switcher plugin, letting you create discounts in multiple currencies. Upgrade to Get Currency Switcher Professional with FOX to manage your store’s pricing and discounts effortlessly, no matter where your customers are located. -
CURCY – Multi Currency for WooCommerce
WooCommerce Discount Plugin (DISCO Plugin) is fully compatible with the Free Currency Exchange (CURCY) plugin. This ensures that your discount rules work seamlessly across multiple currencies, offering your customers a smooth shopping experience no matter where they are. With DISCO and CURCY, you can easily manage discounts and currency conversions together to boost sales globally. -
WooCommerce Currency Switcher by Aelia
The Disco plugin works seamlessly with the Aelia plugin for multi-currency support. You can show prices and accept payments in different currencies while setting up flexible discount rules. This compatibility helps you offer discounts to a global audience without worrying about currency conversions, making it easy to increase sales across multiple regions.
☞ Byggprocess
This plugin bundles the JavaScript files using Webpack. The source files are located in the assets/src
För att bygga filerna behöver du ha Node.js och npm installerat på ditt system. När du har dessa kan du installera beroendena och köra byggkommandot:
Navigate to the plugin directory
cd wp-content/plugins/disco
Run the build command
npm run publish
Använda PHP-bibliotek
Detta tillägg använder flera PHP-bibliotek för att tillhandahålla sin funktionalitet. Nedan är en lista över dessa bibliotek, tillsammans med länkar till deras respektive källkod:
Inpsyde Assets: This library manages and integrates assets in WordPress. It provides a convenient way to register and enqueue scripts and styles. Source Code
Inpsyde WP Context: This library provides a set of classes to help determine the current WordPress context. Source Code
Micropackage Requirements: This library checks server requirements for plugins or themes. Source Code
Seravo WP Custom Bulk Actions: This library allows you to create custom bulk actions in WordPress easily. Source Code
Använda JS-bibliotek
Den icke-kompilerade versionen av JavaScript- och/eller CSS-relaterad källkod för varje paket finns på följande länkar:
uuid: För skapande av RFC4122 UUID:n. Källkod
@headlessui/react: A completely unstyled, fully accessible UI component library, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS. Source Code
@heroicons/react: A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development. Source Code
@reduxjs/toolkit: Det officiella, åsiktsbaserade, allt-i-ett verktygspaket för effektiv utveckling av Redux. Källkod
@wordpress/i18n: Internationaliseringsverktyg för klientbaserad lokaliserings. Källkod
classnames: A simple JavaScript utility for conditionally joining classNames together. Source Code
moment: Ett JavaScript-datumbibliotek för att tolka, validera, manipulera och formatera datum. Källkod
react: Ett JavaScript-bibliotek för att bygga användargränssnitt. Källkod
react-beautiful-dnd: Vacker och tillgänglig dra och släpp-funktion för listor med React.js. Källkod
react-color: En samling färgväljare från Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter, Material Design och mer. Källkod
react-dom: Fungerar som ingångspunkt till DOM och serverrenderare för React. Källkod
react-redux: Officiella React-bindningar för Redux. Källkod
react-router-dom: DOM-bindningar för React Router. Källkod
react-select: A flexible and customizable Select Input control for ReactJS with multiselect, autocomplete and ajax support. Source Code
react-toastify: Tillåter dig att lägga till aviseringar till din app med lätthet. Källkod
tinycolor2: Ett litet färgmanipuleringsbibliotek för JavaScript. Källkod
This screenshot description corresponds to screenshot-1.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif). Note that the screenshot is taken from the /assets directory or the directory that contains the stable readme.txt (tags or trunk). Screenshots in the /assets directory take precedence. For example, /assets/screenshot-1.png
would win over/tags/4.3/screenshot-1.png
(or jpg, jpeg, GIF).Detta är den andra skärmdumpen
Denna sektion beskriver hur man installerar tillägget och får det att fungera.
Using The WordPress Dashboard
- Navigate to ’Add New’ in plugins dashboard
- Sök efter ’disco’
- Klicka ”Installera nu”
- Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard
Uploading in WordPress Dashboard
- Navigate to ’Add New’ in plugins dashboard
- Navigate to ’Upload’ area
- Välj
från din dator - Klicka ”Installera nu”
- Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
Använd FTP
- Ladda ner
- Packa upp katalogen
till din dator - Upload the
directory to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
Vanliga frågor
Vilka typer av rabatter kan jag skapa med DISCO?
Using DISCO, you have the flexibility to craft discounts such as product-based discounts, cart-based discounts, shipping discounts, BOGO (Buy One Get One) promotions, bulk discounts, and a variety of others.
Kan jag tillämpa rabatter på specifika produkter eller kategorier?
Absolutely, with our product filtering feature, you can effortlessly apply discounts to specific products, categories, tags, attributes, and various other filters tailored to your needs.
Does the discount apply to product variants?
Ja, rabatten gäller för produktvarianter. Så om du har olika smaker av en produkt fungerar rabatten för alla!
Kan jag schemalägga rabatter att köras under specifika tider eller datum?
Ja, du har flexibiliteten att schemalägga rabatter att köras under specifika tider eller datum, vilket tillåter dig att planera och automatisera dina marknadsföringsaktiviteter med precision.
Can I offer bulk discounts for wholesale customers?
Yes, in the Disco plugin, there is a dedicated feature for creating bulk discounts.
Can I set up a BOGO (Buy One, Get One) offer for my customers using DISCO?
Absolut! Du kan skapa lockande BOGO (Köp en, få en) erbjudanden för dina kunder med tillägget DISCO. I DISCO-tillägget finns en dedikerad funktion för att skapa BOGO-erbjudanden.
Bidragsgivare och utvecklare
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Bidragande personer”Disco – Dynamic Discount Plugin for WooCommerce” har översatts till 9 språk. Tack till översättarna för deras bidrag.
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1.2.16(Feb 11, 2025)
- Fix: Product attribute not working on conditions issue.
1.2.16(Feb 06, 2025)
- Tweak: WooCommerce version 9.6.1 compatibility checked.
1.2.15(Feb 05, 2025)
- Fix: JS conflict issue for ACF.
1.2.14(Feb 03, 2025)
- Fix: Condition not working for author name and author email.
1.2.13(Jan 29, 2025)
- Fix: Product and cart amount type casting issue.
1.2.12(Jan 23, 2025)
- Fix: Invalid product issue for variation product, when cart discount active.
1.2.11(Jan 22, 2025)
- Fix: Condition dropdown not loading when ACF not active.
1.2.10(Jan 22, 2025)
- Added: Documentation url in learn more link.
1.2.9(Jan 14, 2025)
- Fix: Discount apply issue, when tax included with product price.
1.2.8(Jan 10, 2025)
- Fix: Discounted price not showing in variable product issue.
- Added: Disco Pro banner.
- Updated: Readme file updated.
1.2.7(Jan 06, 2025)
- Fix: Public js file loading issue.
1.2.6(Dec 30, 2024)
- Fix: Category not working in conditions.
1.2.5(Dec 19, 2024)
- Add: Discounted amount and convert price filter added.
1.2.4(Dec 13, 2024)
- Fix: Product price meta issue.
1.2.3(Dec 02, 2024)
- Fix: Discount issue for Bundle and Bulk intent.
- Fix: Fatal error issue, when select attribute name in condition.
1.2.2(Dec 02, 2024)
- Bumped: Version bumped due to node version.
1.2.1(Dec 02, 2024)
- Bumped: Version bumped due to tagging version.
1.1.10(Nov 13, 2024)
- Add: Discount intent documentation.
- Tweak: WordPress version 6.7 compatibility checked.
- Tweak: WooCommerce version 9.4 compatibility checked.
1.1.9(Oct 28, 2024)
- Update: User Interface Updated.
1.1.8(Oct 28, 2024)
- Bumped: Version bumped due to test failed.
1.1.7(Oct 11, 2024)
- Fix: Single variation product discount price.
- Fix: Discount not apply when valid to date is empty.
1.1.6(Sept 30, 2024)
- Fix: Discount value validation issue for free shipping.
- Fix: Discount value not showing for variable product.
1.1.5(Sept 25, 2024)
- Fix: Fatal error issue, when discount value is empty.
- Fix: Discount valid from and discount valid to not clear issue.
- Fix: Fixed discount types apply multiple times issue.
1.1.4(Sept 18, 2024)
- Fix: Fatal error issue fixed.
1.1.3(Sept 17, 2024)
- Åtgärd: Varning vid en massavsikt för fast rabattvärde.
1.1.2 (September 12, 2024)
- Fix: Discount type (Percentage) issue in Bulk Discount.
- Fix: Discount type (Percentage) issue Bundle Discount
- Fix: Max quantity empty value issue in Bulk Discount.
1.1.0 (September 09, 2024)
- Fix: Discount conditions not working issues fixed.
- Fix: Discount not working for product variation.
- Fix: Discount not apply for Cart, Free Shipping, Bulk Discount, Bundle Discount.
- Fix: Fatal error on multiple select on conditions.
- Fix: Discount user limit issue fixed.
- Justering: Kompatibilitet kontrollerad för WooCommerce version 9.2.3.
- Förbättring: Förbättring av säkerhet och kodkvalitet.
1.0.5 (August 07, 2024)
- Fix: Logo issue fix.
- Fix: Discount not working for product variation.
- Fix: API issue fix.
- Tweak: WordPress version 6.6 compatibility checked.
- Justering: Kompatibilitet kontrollerad för WooCommerce version 9.0.
1.0.4 (June 10 2024)
- Fix: Favicon issue fix.
1.0.3 (June 03, 2024)
- Tillagt: Favicon tillagt.
- Fixed: Discount price not effecting into cart.
1.0.2 (2024-05-29)
- Sidopanel borttagen
1.0.1 (2024-05-28)
- Status message problem solve.
1.0.0 (2024-05-27)
- Första utgåvan.