Build and package your forms in a real time engagement strategy and maximize on every possible opportunity without writing a single line of code. This free service is provided by Form Synergy
About This Plugin
This plugin is the official Form Synergy’s plugin for WordPress. It provides the required services and the necessary tools to engage visitors and opportunities without writing a single line of code.
Combined Features
- Form Builder
- Module builder
- Chained interactions
- Objectives builder
- LeadBoard
- Interactions support for Gutenberg block editor
- Easy implementation of interactions
- Easy management of triggers and placement
- Interactions support for menus and navigation
- Display and placement editor
- Parameters editor
- Custom methods
- Custom events
It’s Free and resources get renewed every month.
Fallback routine
Don’t let unexpected internet connections issues ruin your day and your customers experience. A fallback routine is a great piece of mind. This feature will localize your interactions. When the API identifies connection difficulties between a customer and Form Synergy, this plugin will switch gears and temporarily handle requests using WordPress resources.
Easy Implementation
This plugin offers an Easy and Advanced mode.
- Easy mode will get you up and running in just a few minutes without writing a single line of code.
- While in advanced mode this plugin will focus on delivering more features and functionality to developers, without sacrificing UI management features such as block editor, menus…
What’s Included
To get you started in the right direction, this plugin includes essential interactions every website should have.
- Contact form
- Newsletter subscription form
- Phone call requests form
Alternatively while in advanced mode, interactions are synchronized and imported from Form Synergy account.
While in easy mode, the following objectives can be configured to fit your needs. On the other hand while in advanced mode, objectives can be customized to trigger notifications by matching simple rules to complex thresholds. When the time is right, you will receive a notification detailing your new accomplishments.
- Contact requests objective
- Newsletter subscription objective
- Phone call requests objective
Notification methods and recipients can be configured through your Form Synergy account and or via backend API.
Creating a Strategy
You’re probably wondering where to start! It’s simple, take a real life example, imagine all the variables around it, and craft a strategy to handle situations loaded with unknown variables, while manipulating any outcome to your advantage.
This article explains how to prepare a strategy for your website.
Customizing The Display
Each interaction can be customized to best fit the opportunity its trying to tackle.
- It’s content: Using form inputs, html, contextual parsers
- Where it’s displayed, the size, the color, theme, it’s placement…
For more details please visit the options and parameters documentation page.
Examples and snippets can be found in our interactions gallery.
Form Synergy Website
Detta tillägg tillhandahåller 1 block.
- Synergy Press
- Through wp-admin > Plugins > Add New: Form Synergy.
- Install the Form Synergy Plugin.
- Activate Plugin.
Register for a free account: FormSynergy Console.
To satisfy plugin requirements, you will need to obtain four key elements.- Profile ID
- API Key
- Secret key
- Site ID
Once you gain access to the console, you have the following two choices:
- Copy and paste the keys in the appropriate fields
- Generate and retrieve a SynergyPress JSON file which can be uploaded in the plugin option page. This method will automatically populate the required keys.
- Register and verify your site.
Easy mode
- Create your first strategy.
- Enable packages.
- Enable objectives and select your favorite notification methods.
Advanced mode
- Import a strategy and its modules by providing a strategy ID
Vanliga frågor
How to switch from easy mode to advanced mode
Through wp-admin > FormSynergy plugin > Plugin options > Advanced mode.
Do I have to register for something?
Yes, you must register for an account! However our basic package is free, and enables access to similar features to it’s paid alternative.
Is this a trial period?
This is not a trial period. You can use a free account until you decide to upgrade.
How can this plugin benefit me?
- If you are simply looking for a contact form or a newsletter subscription form, this plugin will handle all the work for you.
- Creating a custom form relevant to each page.
- Intervene and rescue opportunities.
- Welcome, guide, ask, sell…
- If you are simply looking for a contact form or a newsletter subscription form, this plugin will handle all the work for you.
What if anything happens between a user and Form Synergy?
If connection difficulties with the Form Synergy service are encountered, this plugin can switch gears and function within WordPress resources by localizing interactions, in order to prevent loss of inquiries.
Where can I get some assistance?
We are here to help, guide and support. Support is provided through our support system, email and by phone.
Where to get a list of options and parameters
Assuming that the plugin is being used in advanced mode, within an interaction, you will find the following tabs:
* Interaction Parameters
* Display Options
Select a tab to reveal its code editor. As you point and focus to within the code editor, the help section will display the most relevant information.
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- JavaScript API updates.
- Added support for page tags.
- Added support for automated engagement strategies.
- Added auto font-size adjustment for inputs.
- Updated exit strategy.
- Added CSS support for interaction builder V2.
- Added CSS support for interaction builder V2
- Added: Support for PHP 7.4.
- Added: Format to interactions block.
- Added: Block editor, disable selection of triggers if already implemented on the current post.
- CSS: Separating themes from interactions.
- Added: Interaction triggers support to nav menus.
- Added: Interactions block for Gutenberg. This feature adds interaction triggers and placement to the block editor.
- Bugfix: Fixed interactions using fixed display, did not properly center on mobile devices.