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Detta är ett barntema för Enigma.

  • Version 2.11
  • Senast uppdaterat 10 december 2024
  • Aktiva installationer 200+
  • PHP-version 7.2

Greenigma is a Modern Material Design WordPress Theme. It is a child theme of most famous WordPress theme Enigma. It is intuitive and easy to use, robust and reliable, highly flexible and fully responsive theme. Based on live customizer, the theme allows to preview the changes as you go. It is the perfect theme for the professionals, bloggers, and creative personnel’s website, as it provides a clean and flexible appearance, an elegant portfolio, and a catchy online shop. The theme is translation ready, fully SEO optimized, fast loading and is fully compatible with woo commerce and all other major WordPress plugins.

Nedladdningar per dag

Aktiva installationer: 200+