Hej @mathiaskrokedil Jag har lagt…

Hej @mathiaskrokedil
Jag har lagt till dig som PTE för några Klarna-projekt. Det finns några strängar kvar att översätta i https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/klarna-checkout-for-woocommerce/
Kolla gärna in de strängar jag rättat för att få en känsla för stilen vi försöker hålla. Bl.a. brukar vi hoppa över ”Var vänlig”… 🙂 Läs gärna https://wpsv.se/engagera-dig/stilguide-for-oversattningar/

Message to @masaakitanaka I have…

Message to @masaakitanaka
I have reason to believe that you don’t know Swedish that well: My fellow GTE has informed me that he had to reject quite a few strings from you. And when he does that, you soon enough come back with other strings, as if you’re testing your way though the machine translation and/or translation memory without actually knowing the target language.
Please be aware that:

  • This way you’re trying to misuse the limited time resource available to the GTE’s. Their main responsibility is not to check each and every string, but rather to give feedback and mentor translators into becoming good enough to be appointed as translation editors for their respective plugins.
  • Some words will translate differently, depending on context. For instance, many English words may be either a noun (a post) or a verb (to post). When you this way hand over the responsibility for your language on someone who has never used your plugin and never will, these kind of errors may happen a lot. Ultimately, the users will get the feeling that your plugin is low quality simply because the ”language doesn’t fit together…”.
  • We’ve gathered some tips on what you can do in order to suggest that your users voluntarily take on the task of localizing your plugin. Please have a look at https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/handbook/plugin-theme-authors-guide/#generating-community-contributions

From now on the Swedish team will start rejecting in bulk any strings suggested from you. Until further notice, we’re not going to continue checking your ”contributions”.

Reference: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/booking-package/dev/sv/default/?filters%5Bterm%5D=&filters%5Bterm_scope%5D=scope_any&filters%5Bstatus%5D=rejected&filters%5Buser_login%5D=masaakitanaka&filter=Apply+Filters&sort%5Bby%5D=priority&sort%5Bhow%5D=desc