Message for @learnpresslms I can…

Message for @learnpresslms
I can see from your profile page that you’ve suggested thousands of strings for a large number of locales.
But at the same time, you didn’t even glance through your strings yourself to remove errors that are visible to people, who don’t know the target language, like ”sometimes placeholders are kept, other times translated”.
It’s not fair to expect GTE’s for 15 locales to spend their own time on checking/improving your machine translations.

The WordPress’ Polyglots handbook expects suggested strings to be checked by a phyisical person who knows the target language well, ref:

You should always strive to follow the style guides and term glossaries of the various locales. Many of these are linked to from but more teams may actually have a glossary.

Until now, I’ve suggested bulk rejection as the best approach for this kind of abuse.
But in this case, since you seem to be sponsored by the plugin developer, I’m turning the other way. You’ll get to ”eat your own dog food”, since I’ve now made you PTE for Swedish.

PS! We’ve got some suggestions on how plugin developers would be able to cooperate with the community, see

FYI: @thimpress and the fellow locale teams’ GTE’s: #cs_CZ #es_ES #es_CO #es_CR #es_EC #es_MX #es_VE #fa_IR #it_IT #ko_KR #nl_NL #nl_BE #ru_RU #sv_SE #vi

Message for @microsoftstart A recent…

Message for @microsoftstart
A recent batch of translations from you for the Swedish version of the plugin have clear signs of being AI-generated.
Since the volunteer capacity of the #sv_SE team is too limited, we’re not going to check your translations going forward, but have instead set your account as PTE.
Please ask your translators (AI or human…) to follow the Style Guide and Glossary for Swedish, see